Give us a nudge!!!

Give us a nudge!!!

I wasn’t asleep, really
I was lost in the wonder of His grace!
I wasn’t daydreaming, really, but got sidetracked by something God said…
I’m not just standing here staring, looking around,
Jesus pointed out someone who need lifting up in prayer, not at the end of the service, but right here, right now
You only need to nudge me if my snoring gets too loud
I didn’t doze off really, I am concentrating, although I looked spaced out
Im listening to the word of God,
Do you know what I’m talking about?
I’m not playing games on my phone really, but, God just whispered something in my ear I’ve got to get it written down
so important, He didn’t wait till got pen and paper ,
got to get it down before I forget,
Looked over and your eyes are glazed over
Must be having a God moment
it’s better felt and than ‘telt’
I used to fall asleep in the last church I went to.
The sermons was not really up my street sometimes.
Plus I worked nights and if I was working the night before I was half asleep anyway.

Many times I caught the pastors wife glancing my way concerned, and I wish I had said what you said Alan, thats A- class
I used to fall asleep in the last church I went to.
The sermons was not really up my street sometimes.
Plus I worked nights and if I was working the night before I was half asleep anyway.

Many times I caught the pastors wife glancing my way concerned, and I wish I had said what you said Alan, thats A- class
Some at church hate bibles on phones and it’s alright to use pen and notebooks in the service but leave your phone in your pocket😡
Some at church hate bibles on phones and it’s alright to use pen and notebooks in the service but leave your phone in your pocket😡
sounds like being back at school...

Its actually a good idea to read from your phone because when I'm in church I cant find the right page, or they crinkle and I cant zoom in.

Tell him from me to get with the times ahah