Giving God your heart

Many come to God for the benefits. We all want to be saved, receive our healing, have God look after our needs. But that is not the core reason to come to the Lord. The Lord doesn't heal us so we can just feel better, He doesn't provide for us that we can 'only' enjoy life. God has a purpose for us and that is to be Christ like, and that is not an easy thing, infact it is totally beyond us and if we really understood what was all involved none of us would choose it. But with God all things are possible and by His grace He just leads us along day by day. Good thing we don't know what tomorrow might bring for we might not have the courage to get out of bed. But as with all things, the past is water under the bridge and once we arrive, as Paul says 'these temporary minor afflictions don't amount to anything compared to the glory that awaits.'
God has a purpose for us and that is to be Christ like, and that is not an easy thing, in fact it is totally beyond us and if we really understood what was all involved none of us would choose it.

Good morning, 2404;

God's purpose to be Christ like is given to each one of us who will receive His love and giving our heart. It won't be an easy thing and that's where the Lord comes in to guide us through it all.

God bless you, 2404, and thank you for sharing Giving God your heart.