Glory in weakness

I'm sure we have all experienced it when we are trying to do or accomplish something things go wrong or contrary. A person takes it in stride once, twice... but eventually it get to a person and frustration sets in and is manifested in some way. Scripture tells us that as long as we have ourself in the way God can't get in. If I could get to the point where I carry on irregardless of what happens then I'm no longer in the way. If I be not in the way then there is room for the Lord to have His way. If I not bring myself to the forefront then I am weak but also strong because it is not I.
I'm sure we have all experienced it when we are trying to do or accomplish something things go wrong or contrary. A person takes it in stride once, twice... but eventually it get to a person and frustration sets in and is manifested in some way. Scripture tells us that as long as we have ourself in the way God can't get in. If I could get to the point where I carry on irregardless of what happens then I'm no longer in the way. If I be not in the way then there is room for the Lord to have His way. If I not bring myself to the forefront then I am weak but also strong because it is not I.

Hello 2404;

Have you heard that expression, "You need to fail before you succeed?"

I've experienced the frustration in my younger years (20s through my 40s) and man, there were some stupid or horrible moments. But it was my later years that I learned from my past that I was in God's way, therefore, I would get out of God's way and then accomplish whatever He set me out to do.

The things that can go wrong still happen, but I don't get as frustrated, instead, get a grip and go forward whichever way it turns out.

When I look back I see my flaws and weaknesses within me, even as I was a growing Christian. I tried to mask that and force myself to accomplish whatever I was doing. This is what led to mistakes. I got in the way of God.

There are still things that won't go my way but I've learned the hard way to be a patient man, to seek what God says first and then get out of His way has helped me accomplish the best that God reveals by His strength over my weaknesses.

2404, in getting to know you more here at CFS I feel you have been through the school of hard knocks. Hard knocks isn't fun.

God bless you, brother, and thank you for sharing.

True, we all have our trials. I'm very thankful that scripture say that the footsteps of the righteous are ordered and all things work together to the good.
Misunderstandings are a big factor in our journey, but if we knew everything we wouldn't grow.
And with character not being a gift how else would we get it?
God bless you brother Bob.
Romans 5:3-5 NKJV
And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; [4] and perseverance, character; and character, hope. [5] Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
It seems like sometimes I can see tribulations like when your in your living room with the telly on and theres a horror movie that’s playing and your not involved with it. You can hear the screaming and there’s space that separates you from it so you can more easily turn it off or turn it over. Whereas before you couldn’t find the switch