God allowed me to rant, then said “feel better?”

I didn’t get where I was today

I didn’t get where I am today
Compromising the gospel!
Didn’t get where I am today
Breaking the Ten Commandments!
Didn’t get where I am today
Not preaching hell and damnation!
Rejecting those who didn’t make the grade
didn’t embrace salvation.
Didn’t get where I am today
showing compassion to those who Liberalise the gospel.

Didn’t get where I am today
Not loving the sin but the sinner
And telling them of a future of hell and damnation.
Got where I am today being a proud and stiff necked nation?
Got where I am today
Being a gong a clashing symbol,
Forgot to take the beam out of my eye
Before dealing with the splinter,
Forgot Jesus said ‘come’ without terms conditions

Forgot Jesus gave a choice, the cross or the worldly interpretation
Forgot it not my job to judge but to love without preconditions
It is my job to love and as Jesus loved
And not lean unto my own understanding,

Yet I see a train wreck ahead
Going astray, leaving the fold
Compromising the gospel!

Jesus, go fetch your sheep straying on the hills
Bring ‘em back
To full and free Redemption!

I didn’t get where I was today

I didn’t get where I am today
Compromising the gospel!
Didn’t get where I am today
Breaking the Ten Commandments!
Didn’t get where I am today
Not preaching hell and damnation!
Rejecting those who didn’t make the grade
didn’t embrace salvation.
Didn’t get where I am today
showing compassion to those who Liberalise the gospel.

Didn’t get where I am today
Not loving the sin but the sinner
And telling them of a future of hell and damnation.
Got where I am today being a proud and stiff necked nation?
Got where I am today
Being a gong a clashing symbol,
Forgot to take the beam out of my eye
Before dealing with the splinter,
Forgot Jesus said ‘come’ without terms conditions

Forgot Jesus gave a choice, the cross or the worldly interpretation
Forgot it not my job to judge but to love without preconditions
It is my job to love and as Jesus loved
And not lean unto my own understanding,

Yet I see a train wreck ahead
Going astray, leaving the fold
Compromising the gospel!

Jesus, go fetch your sheep straying on the hills
Bring ‘em back
To full and free Redemption!

I recommend you read George Herbert's poem "The Collar"; you'll probably see a similarity.