God Hears Our Voice - Devotional

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.. - Jeremiah 29:12 (NIV)

We can be assured that God hears our voice every time we call out to Him. In fact, He loves hearing our voice and eagerly waits for us to talk to Him.

Let's breakdown this scripture and meditate on the truths it holds:
  • We will call on God...each day we can come to God and we can call out for Him. He is ever present. He is not distant from us but is ever near to us and waits for us to call on Him. We don't have to worry that we're ever putting Him out. He makes Himself available to us.
  • We will come and pray...we can come into His presence. We can draw near to Him, and in so doing, He draws near to us. As we come to Him, we can present our requests and petitions to Him. We can tell Him all that concerns us—and can rest there, in that moment, abiding in His presence.
  • And He will hear our voice...As we call out to Him, come and pray to Him, He will hear us. Even if we don't 'speak' what's on our hearts, He still hears us. He doesn't close His ears to our silent heart's cry. He's concerned with what concerns us and will never block us out. He is always attentive to us, even with our quiet whispers or with the words left unspoken in our hearts.
  • And He will listen to us...God not only 'hears' us, but He 'listens' to us. Hearing someone and really listening to what they have to say, are two very different things. He is not preoccupied when we call out to Him and come and pray to Him. He gives us His undivided attention. He's in no rush! He doesn't just spare us 5 min of His time because He's just too busy to tend to us. His schedule is completely cleared for us every time we call upon Him. He is fully engaged with our conversation and has mercy and compassion on us.
© By M.S.Lowndes

All the Poetry, Card Verses, Sentiments, Devotionals and Songs are all the 'Copyrighted Work' of M.S.Lowndes. However, permission is granted for others to use them - for non-commercial use
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