God's Many Blessings (Blessing # 2 - Friends)


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Gods Many Blessings - (Blessing # 2 - Friends)

Friends help each other more than they realize, just by being themselves and caring for each other.

Proverbs 17:17 (NLT)
A friend is always loyal and a brother is born to help in time of need.

Proverbs 24:26 (NLT)
An honest answer is like a kiss of friendship.

If you have a true friend who is loyal and truthful, God has given you a wonderful blessing. You will always trust them and love them.

Jesus was a perfect friend. He always prayed for them.
Jesus wept when Lazarus died, and they said "See how he loved him."
Jesus cooked a meal on the shore, for the fishermen.
He visited the sick.
He visited John the Baptist in jail.
Jesus died for all.
Jesus was a friend to men, women and children.

Who needs a meal cooking for them?
Who needs a nice chat?
Who is sick ?
Who is lonely?
They a need a friend. Do we always have room for another friend?

We all need friends, and Jesus is the best friend to have.

1 Samuel 20:17 (NLT)
Jonathan made David reaffirm his vow of friendship again, for Jonathan loved David as he loved himself.

Who is your 'Best Friend.' ?


Amen, Cosia. Without friends to share time with, our lives would be a bit empty.

Friends support each other and gives us a sense of fulfillment and joy.

Blessings and thank you for those wonderful words.
