God's Many Blessings (Blessing # 5 - Shelter)

Pastor Gary

Senior Moderator and Staff Trainer
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Senior Moderator
Staff Trainer
God's Many Blessings (Blessings # 5 - Shelter)

In Genesis 1:9 (NLT), God created plants and trees; the trees would later be used by man to construct shelter from the sun, wind and rain. We all know that God is our shelter and refuge from the barbs of Satan, but man needs a physical shelter for protection from the elements.

Shelters have been used since man first walked the earth, whether in a cave or tents made of animal hides or wooden shelters made from the wood of trees.

In Exodus Chapter 37, we see God's instructions to Noah for the construction of the Ark - a shelter for man and all species as protection from the flood.

Shelters have become family homes where families can gather to eat, sleep, share and love.

God has provided man with the ability to have shelter and to use shelters to stay safe and secure. This Blessing of Shelter is our assurance that Our Father cares for us and cares about us.

May God Bless.

Traditional Native American Tepee shelters -

Proverbs 18:10
10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
Matthew 6:31
31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’

God provides for His children. His love is beyond measure. He is worthy of our praise and worship always.
God's Many Blessings (Blessings # 5 - Shelter)

In Genesis 1:9 (NLT), God created plants and trees; the trees would later be used by man to construct shelter from the sun, wind and rain. We all know that God is our shelter and refuge from the barbs of Satan, but man needs a physical shelter for protection from the elements.

Shelters have been used since man first walked the earth, whether in a cave or tents made of animal hides or wooden shelters made from the wood of trees.

In Exodus Chapter 37, we see God's instructions to Noah for the construction of the Ark - a shelter for man and all species as protection from the flood.

Shelters have become family homes where families can gather to eat, sleep, share and love.

God has provided man with the ability to have shelter and to use shelters to stay safe and secure. This Blessing of Shelter is our assurance that Our Father cares for us and cares about us.

May God Bless.

Traditional Native American Tepee shelters -

Great post , nothing should be taken for granted.
Proverbs 18:10
10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
Matthew 6:31
31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’

God provides for His children. His love is beyond measure. He is worthy of our praise and worship always.

I love this verse it's one of my favourites. it helped me through some tough times. I used to and sometimes still worry about homelessness because I normally rent or live with family and if anything happened to my family (because they rent too) and our countries lack of housing I got worried all the time with all the rising costs associated with renting and housing shortages.

its actually been a life safer for me
