Archive God's Many Blessings III (Number 3)

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God's Many Blessings III (Number 3)


Genesis 1:25 (WEB)
"God made the animals of the earth after their kind, and the livestock after their kind,
and everything that creeps along the ground after it's kind. God saw that it was good."

They were taken to Adam, and he named them. The animals were made so that they were helpers in many ways to man. Some helped to till the ground and other animals kept the grass down.
Animals are now trained to help man in many ways. Some track down drugs or wanted people, others guide the blind or visit the sick with their owners. They are comforters. Animals are a blessing in many ways. They are precious blessings.

When God sent a great flood on the earth, He saved Noah and his family and He saved pairs of all the animals.

St. John's Children's Choir - The Animals Went in Two by Two

Anne Murray - Teddy Bear's Picnic


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