Gods stormtroopers?

Hellfire and Damnation?

My mate is reeling from some Gods stormtroopers
‘In the name of of God’
They were all about hell fire and Damnation
And he, my mate ,
Is going straight to hell

If that’s Christianity
No Thanks, was his reply…
Bulling him into heaven under the condemnation
of Damnation
of sin and hell
Pounded him into submission Scaring the bejesus out of him

Turned his back on salvation
Spoiling all the time spent,
sharing how good it is to be a Christian
And heaven and eternal life.

Both barrels being fired
From Gods storm troopers
Was like a noisy bell,
or a crashing cymbal.
Or have I missed something myself?

What would Jesus Do?

Well I searched the scriptures
To find out what Jesus did..
There were parables,
Forgiveness, and hope
and a warm welcome to heaven for those who acknowledged their sin
Couldn’t find tirades of Damnation
But a clear invitation given ,
an option
To accept or reject Him

Jesus did say “your sins forgiven“
(They already knew they were wrong )
He stood there and welcomed
The sinner , not the sin

I’m yet to find in the bible where Jesus told anyone, directly
they were condemned, going straight to hell!
No finger wagging
Shouting be saved or be doomed

I did find an invitation
An open door
Salvation at the foot of the cross
Found Jesus saying “Today you’ll be with me in Paradise”

We only get one chance to make a first impression

Do we:-

Go in guns blazing
Or reflect the life of Jesus
Not compromising
And do what Jesus did?