Ravindran Sep 16, 2015 #2 Welcome to CFS!! It would be nice to hear a few words of introduction If you have not done so as of yet please read CFS forum rules and getting started threads here http://www.christianforumsite.com/categories/your-welcome-pack.104/ And here http://www.christianforumsite.com/categories/getting-started-learn-how-to-use-your-account.101/ Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any staff member
Welcome to CFS!! It would be nice to hear a few words of introduction If you have not done so as of yet please read CFS forum rules and getting started threads here http://www.christianforumsite.com/categories/your-welcome-pack.104/ And here http://www.christianforumsite.com/categories/getting-started-learn-how-to-use-your-account.101/ Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any staff member