hell on earth?

hell on earth?

Ever sat in church and ‘see’ something and you don’t know why?
I wrote this after ‘seeing’ souls sat there, happy, smiling faces
On the outside yet inside living under a dark cloud, struggling, desperate,
I was crying in my spirit I couldn’t help because my hands were ‘virtually’ tied?

Hell on earth?

Been there done it,
got the T shirt,
yet in turmoil,
Will hell be full of bad people
Or people who have done bad things?
Am I looking through rose tinted glasses
Or seeing face to face?
Am I on the path paved with good intentions leading straight to hell?
Are my goods works like filthy rags
Cos there done for ulterior motives, not for discussion here?
Am I trying to work out my own salvation
With out taking in to consideration the reality
of sins forgiven?
Trying to negotiate dispensations
An unconditional pass
that would compromise
Jesus and the cross?
Am I enviously glancing back on my old life,
Rather than fully embracing the cross, salvation, forgiveness of sin ?
Am I trying to have a foot in both camps?
And falling between two stalls instead?
Am I fault finding, seeing contradictions
pointing out splinters in your eye?
Distorted by blurred vision,
Blinded by the beam in mine?
Why am I fighting like a cornered rat?
Yet not wanting to stay where way I am?
Being sucked in, distracted by the trapping of Vanity fair?
Forgetting for a fleeting moment
the promise of a home in the Celestial City at my journeys end?
It feels like I’m eating stones instead of bread, being fed snake instead of fish…
Why is it I’m asking for forgiveness, again and again?
Then you go and confuse the situation by saying “Go sin no more”
My head is spinning I just want out,
Out of this turmoil and pain
Feel so, so,
OH, I can’t find the words
Feel like I’m only just holding on by my finger tips
Loosing my grip on reality falling into a black abyss of uncertainty
I’m Just looking for answers,
Looking for a lasting reality
Not a transient thing,
The worlds spinning
Out of control
Inside my head
I just want it all to stop!
I just want it all to end!
Before my head explodes!!!


Confused Pilgrim

(Another struggling to keep on the straight and narrow way
waiting my turn at the foot of the cross… again)
Simple but eloquent words that describe our war with the nature of fallen man and the risen Lord.

Thank you. If we are to forgive 70 x 7,how much greater his forgiveness must be!

Be blessed,brother. There will be only peace and joy someday,no battles,no struggles.