Helmets, Shields, Swords and all that…

Helmets, Shields, Swords and all that…

What are you wearing to church this week?
Did you go for reverent
Suit, tie, polished boots?
Did you go for smart casual
Waistcoat, matching socks jeans?
Or did you opt for comfort
T shirt, shorts, Moses sandals
Kaftan with a hood?

And then there’s the ladies
Dare I go there?
So I looked in the bible to see what it said
Is helmets, sword and shields
The order of the day?

God doesn’t see the gold bangles
Dyed hair, perms
The beautiful clothes
Wether your suited and booted
Or casual
Doesn’t matter to Him,
He doesn’t see
The widows tatters
The tramps filthy rags,

He sees beyond the camouflage of our covering
He only sees our souls clothed in His righteousness
Good morning, Alan;

I've never been a slave to style. The Lord permits me to dress and most every day I am comfortable in a pair of jeans,
T shirt, and a hoodie.

For Church I've always been on the conservative side. I used to wear a suit when I served the pulpit every Sunday for years up until 2 years ago. I still wear a suit when officiating a wedding or funeral which has been very busy in 2024.

Today I wear a pair of jeans (no tears or rips) with a sweater if I'm serving on the pulpit, or when I'm not scheduled and just enjoy resting and worshiping while sitting with my wife.

The community knows me during the week and on Sundays. I strive to be the same bloke each day while God clothes me.

I once met a couple of Pastors wearing old torn jeans, sandals and a Jesus Loves You T shirt while on a missionary. There was no judgment as we talked about Godspell over coffee and donuts.

God bless you, Alan.

Good morning, Alan;

I've never been a slave to style. The Lord permits me to dress and most every day I am comfortable in a pair of jeans,
T shirt, and a hoodie.

For Church I've always been on the conservative side. I used to wear a suit when I served the pulpit every Sunday for years up until 2 years ago. I still wear a suit when officiating a wedding or funeral which has been very busy in 2024.

Today I wear a pair of jeans (no tears or rips) with a sweater if I'm serving on the pulpit, or when I'm not scheduled and just enjoy resting and worshiping while sitting with my wife.

The community knows me during the week and on Sundays. I strive to be the same bloke each day while God clothes me.

I once met a couple of Pastors wearing old torn jeans, sandals and a Jesus Loves You T shirt while on a missionary. There was no judgment as we talked about Godspell over coffee and donuts.

God bless you, Alan.

I’m convinced that donuts are scriptural but just can’t bring the verse to mind