Help Requested *God Bless*

Hello, I am a Christian conducting an "online religion" project for my religion class at my local university.

The only way I am able to complete this project is if I have responses from people on online forums like yourselves. I also hope to get some personal answers through my research :)

If you would like to help me, please respond the questions I have created below. It would be phenomenal if you could answer all five of the questions, but even answering one of the questions would greatly help my research.

Thank you very much
1. How, if at all, has participating in this forum changed the way you go about asking religious questions, having religious conversations, or interacting “religiously” with others in general while you are offline?

2. Do you feel a need to approach religious topics in real life
conversations because you have this forum where you can instantly get responses from countless people?

3. This might be a difficult question to answer truthfully. Please PM me if you feel uncomfortable answering it in an open forum; your results will be kept confidential
: Do you feel that you act or present yourself in a different way in this online community compared to when you interact with people when you are offline?

4. How has your offline life changed the way you act or present yourself on this website?

5. Does this website contribute to the “compartmentalization” of religion for you? (the separation of various aspects of your life). In other words, does being a part of this website serve as your only religious outlet, or does it further facilitate the integration of religion in your day-to-day life?

Have a blessed day! :)
Hey! What awesome questions you have! I hope your project goes well =) I will try my best to answer your questions =]

1. How, if at all, has participating in this forum changed the way you go about asking religious questions, having religious conversations, or interacting “religiously” with others in general while you are offline?
It hasn't much changed my questions about religion. I mean, my main focus is on Jesus overall! :) Even though I absolutely love this forum and I love the people on here, I don't feel that it's "changed" me. I feel that only God can change you and He is the only one who should be changing you! But I know that I get a lot of support here on this forum and I consider many of the staff people on here my friends.

2. Do you feel a need to approach religious topics in real life
conversations because you have this forum where you can instantly get responses from countless people?
I feel that we do need to approach topics with other people offline. God told us in the Bible that we should go and spread the gospel. I'm not going to lie, it's less nerve-wrecking to do it on here, and it's harder to do it in real life. But this forum isn't the reason why I feel this way. God has specifically told me to start ministering to others. I mean, I was on a bench with some lady during the summer. I didn't know this woman, but somehow, God was placing on my heart to minister to her. And sadly, I was soooo scared, that I didn't. But I tried again with some of my coworkers, and it worked. God is the one who leads me to minister to other people. :)

3. This might be a difficult question to answer truthfully. Please PM me if you feel uncomfortable answering it in an open forum; your results will be kept confidential
: Do you feel that you act or present yourself in a different way in this online community compared to when you interact with people when you are offline?
When you're online, you're safe. Meaning, you can pretend to be someone that you're not. Characteristics that you desire in real life, you gain on the Internet. For example) If you're shy in real life, you're very outgoing online. Because that's what you want to be. I feel that I am like who I am online. I mean, there's some differences, but most of the time, I'm pretty much the same. I know that I am a very sarcastic person offline. Not to a point where it's hurtful, but I use a lot of sarcasm in my jokes. Online, it's hard to do that. Because people won't know you're joking most of the time until you put "j/k" at the end. I know another thing is, I'm ready to minister to people online. I don't have the fear, because I have a monitor that I can hide behind. But in real life, it's very nerve-wrecking to minister to people. I just began to minister to people recently in real life, but it's still very nerve-wrecking. I still get nervous. But here online, I can minister to anyone and not feel so nervous. Because I'm sitting behind my computer while ministering, while this person lives million of miles away. I mean, if they don't like what I say, they can't do much. They can't hit me or anything, haha. I hope I'm making myself clear!

4. How has your offline life changed the way you act or present yourself on this website?
Well, God has been doing a lot of work in my life. I think if I change, it's because of Him. And I feel that should be presented in all areas of my life, even online. :)

5. Does this website contribute to the “compartmentalization” of religion for you? (the separation of various aspects of your life). In other words, does being a part of this website serve as your only religious outlet, or does it further facilitate the integration of religion in your day-to-day life?
I feel that it facilitates the integration of religion in your day-to-day life.