You are still a human being. As a human, you have to deal with your flesh.
You cannot completely conquer yourself, but the more you learn how to stop things, the stronger you become.
I have been a 'Christian' for several years now, and I am still battling my flesh. Is it easy? Most certainly not!
I have lied a couple of times - it won't kill you, but it's not a good thing. I make up stories to entertain people and myself - I'm creative, so I'm constantly thinking of some new story. Don't let people tell you that one little sin is taking you straight on the road to hell. You cannot expect yourself to be perfect, and you have to go to God for your issues.
I mean, you should see some of
my issues. It's not easy, because sometimes they feel good, you know? Sometimes, I get so angry I want to break something, and a few days ago I did. And you know what - it felt really,
really good, but it wasn't good for me. It's destructive behavior, and someone could get hurt, including myself. So, I have to constantly battle that urge to just pick up something that's breakable and throw it. It's a lot like cutting for me - it feels good, it releases my tension and my anger, it gives me a sense of control.
So, don't think that your this 'horrible' Christian because you sin. We're human beings and we're weak - we have to strengthen ourselves in order to be able to resist these things. If you need help, go to God. He's your best answer. Simple as that.
Hi there

I am a Christian girl, or at least that's what i tell myself but i keep doings the worst things that christians could possibly do and i don't know how to stop. i lie to my friends and make up stories- i really want to stop but i don't know how! please help me!