Hi All!

Jul 24, 2010
Hi All!

Hi everyone! I eagerly await reading and participating in discussions on this site with a community of fellow Christians.

To help you get to know me, I will post my testimony. I was raised in a strong Christian home and in a wonderful church. I accepted Christ as my Personal Lord and Savior when I was still very young and have never experienced a true wavering or test of my faith. I have always been very firm in my faith and have never experienced a time when I really strayed from the faith nor have I experienced anything that has made me truly question my faith. I am not sure if this is because I just have experienced a traumatic enough event or that my relationship with God is just that strong, but whatever the reason, I don't have the unbelievable testimony that many do, mine is just a simple one. Being simple does not take away from the meaning of it, though. Jesus Christ took my sins upon himself and sacrificed his life on the cross so that he could rise from the grave three days later and defeat death so that I could be forgiven of my sins and have my relationship with God repaired.

I pray that everyone is having a great day and God bless!