Hi everyone

Aug 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
Hi everyone

Hello you guys. I'm a newbie here and I would like some advice. I would like to know what some of you do to conquer strongholds and addictions. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I don't have a lot of knowledge about that, dcg. :sad01_anim: And i see that all the qualified people here is offline. I'm sure they will check in later. I think most of them sleep now!
Hi, and Welcome !

Pray, confess all to God.
Pray that God will help you to be strong enough to "stand up" against the Addiction. And that He will show you the way out.

1 Corinthians 10:13 says:

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Out of interest, What are yous struggling with ?
My advice is to lay it all before God and let Him take control. It's very rare for Him to immediately take away the desire for whatever your addiction is, but over time, the Lord rewards obedience. Think of it like losing weight...it doesn't happen with the snap of your fingers. It takes committment, determination, and patience.

In my experience, Christ has enabled me to stop the behavior, then slowly help my mind and spirit to no longer focus on it. Each time I would obey the Spirit's urgings, I could feel the grip of sin get a little bit looser. Don't expect immediate results.

The first step is to decide, for real and in no uncertain terms, that you've had it with whatever you're dealing with. If you're not committed, you will fail. But, if you are ready to engage in the battle to overcome your problem, repent to the Lord and ask for His help. You will see the results that come through following God's commands.
Definitely pray. I've conquered my old drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Prayer is the key to conquering an addiction. God is definitely the strongest. Just place your trust in Him, brother.

Welcome to the forums, really good people here.
My advice is to lay it all before God and let Him take control. It's very rare for Him to immediately take away the desire for whatever your addiction is, but over time, the Lord rewards obedience. Think of it like losing weight...it doesn't happen with the snap of your fingers. It takes committment, determination, and patience.

The first step is to decide, for real and in no uncertain terms, that you've had it with whatever you're dealing with. If you're not committed, you will fail. But, if you are ready to engage in the battle to overcome your problem, repent to the Lord and ask for His help. You will see the results that come through following God's commands.

This is perfect! There are things I have to pray EVERYDAY to overcome. Like Bass said, even when you pray for it, you still have to commit to it...the results won't be instant, but with dedication and a concious effort along with a lot of prayer, you will overcome!