hi.. this is me

hi.. this is me

the whole mini testimony would not fit in that box so here it is...
I became a christian at a bible camp at age 13. Before that, I though christians were all nuns with rulers who would punish me. My friend convinced me after much reassurance. I was still reluctant but went despite my fears. When I got there and settled in after a couple days, I saw love in their eyes. They (christians) weren't scary, not there anyways. They werent running after me, condemning me or wanting to smack me with rulers. I wanted so badly to feel the love thatr I saw in their eyes. I asked how to become a christian. They told me what that meant, about Jesus and His love and forgivess, death and ressurection, etc and They prayed with me and I wept and asked Christ into my heart. Since then, I have rebelled many times, done alot of really wrong things, tried to run from God.... and He never left. He stayed there knocking at the door of my heart. Even when I left Him, He never left me. I always return to Him because I love HIm and feel His love tugging at my heart. I had no earth father so He's my only daddy. I love HIm so much and hope to be a better daughter everyday.
Kait - Welcome to our Christian family here at CFS. Thank you for taking the time to find us and we hope that you enjoy the discussions and teachings. God Bless. :)

Welcome! I don't think you will see anyone running with rulers in their hands here either.

thanks everyone...
and i look forward to meeting you all...
im glad theres no rulers,lol...couldnt reach through the screen anyways...
my grandma was in residential school and i dont remember her saying anything about nuns and rulers but thats the only think i can think of as to where i may have learnt that fear...
im over it now though...
I was blessed to have a good first example of christian love at that camp...
That was God for sure...
I have meant some scary and condemning christians since but not until my faith was at a point where i knew the difference between the humans who follow a faith/christianity and the faith/christianity itself as it should be and that the followers behaviours are not always a reflection of who God is.
people blame God and judge christianity because of the way they are treated by christians. that's wrong because human have free will and God is not His foolowers. God is God. We should be examples but not a reason to judge God. Im rambling. I cant explain it right.

Welcome Kate to our small community. Trust in God and pray continously.

Though rulers sit together and slander me, your servant will meditate on your decrees (Psalm 119:23).
what a wonderful testimony Selene81, drawn and saved by God's love and grace, just remember the more you see of Jesus the more you will want. He knew your mistakes before he saved you and STILL He chose you, it is true He will never leave you or forsake you- be blessed