

I'm new to this site and I thought I'd say hello! I just started a blog, which I made public, for anyone and everyone to read about the journey God has had me on over the last 7 months and the amazing healing and wholeness He's given me. God brought me out of a very dark and broken place and it's because of my love for Him and my desire to be obedient, that I joined this site and started this blog.
If you're interested in the 2010 Electronic Calendar that I created (which I mention in my blog post "Journey Toward Healing and Transformation") and decided to share with the world for FREE, you can access it at my website, Home. There is a link to the audio version of that calendar on my site as well.
My desire is only to share what God has done for me and the power of having an intimate relationship with Him. I hope that if you read my blog, it will encourage you on your journey with Him and minister incredible life to you. If it helps you in any way, all I ask is that you share it with those you believe it will help. God saved me, I owe Him everything and I only want to share the hope He's given me with others.
God Bless & Happy New Year!
Very nice to have you with us. Welcome to CFS...:)
I'm so glad God has helped you these past 7 months! This year was also my "transformation" year.
Let's just say I was in a very dark place and I hated people and I always, ALWAYS played hot and cold with God.
I am so glad God has brought me OUT of that place! It just shows that he never ever gives up on us. Because I was VERY difficult.
Welcome to the forums! This is such a great place. These people truly do love Jesus!
Hey :welcome: to the forums....

Glad that you decided to join us. Lots of great and experienced people here on the site. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Nice site btw..

Take Care and God Bless