How Can We Do Even Greater Things Than Jesus Did?


John 14:12 reads “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father. ” (NIV)

When Jesus dwelt on Earth, He did many great things: He raised the dead, healed the sick, delivered those who were demon possessed, multiplied fish and bread, turned water into wine, spoke a word and a fig tree withered, walked on water, etc.

According to John 14:12 we should not only match what Jesus has done, but do even greater things than what He, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords did.

Yes, we pray for the sick, and some get healed while others don’t. The outcome depends on God’s will. We also pray for those who are attacked and tortured by demon spirits, and they get delivered. I have not yet heard of any Christians besides those mentioned in the Bible who were able to raise the dead to life, and I have yet to see a believer turn water into wine, walk on water etc.

John 14:12 starts with the words “I tell you the truth” - with other words, we really should be able to do what Christ said we would do if we had faith. The question now seems to be: is our faith so weak that we can't even do what Christ did - never mind doing more than He was able to do?

Many Christians today seem to concentrate on the physical manifestations of the miracles Christ did – signs and wonders in order to prove to the unbelievers He that He was indeed the Son of God.

In truth, Jesus said we would do even greater things than mere physical miracles.

There was something which even Christ was unable to do while He was still dwelling on Earth: He couldn't bring the message of salvation to a lost and dying world because He had not yet been sacrificed to redeem us from our sins, and he had not yet risen from the dead.

Those who believe in Him, can.

Surely spreading the Gospel which leads to people receiving eternal life through faith in Christ is much greater than healing someone of a physical ailment? Raising the dead to life is nothing compared to leading those dead in sin to everlasting life by reaching the lost for Christ.

Let us therefore continue to do what Jesus expects of us by doing even greater things than He did: let us be His instruments and bring the Gospel to those who are lost and on their way to hell.

(by Belinda van Rensburg © 2008)
Thanks for posting this.

Sometimes we can get so lost in waiting for a miracle, and murmuring over what is happening to us that we forget the entire purpose of the Gospel.

I do wonder though if some of these things are happening over in places like Africa or places where it's high pressure missionary work, because Jesus and all of the disciples were missionaries.

Maybe its like, if you want the miracles, you also have to face the same persecutions?
Thanks for posting this.

Sometimes we can get so lost in waiting for a miracle, and murmuring over what is happening to us that we forget the entire purpose of the Gospel.

I do wonder though if some of these things are happening over in places like Africa or places where it's high pressure missionary work, because Jesus and all of the disciples were missionaries.

Maybe its like, if you want the miracles, you also have to face the same persecutions?
Hi Foundsheep - not necessarily. We've lived and served in places like Haiti, South Africa, Paraguay, Taiwan, and Mexico, and I can't say we've seen more miracles there. We have seen more people delivered from demonic oppression/possession, though.
Hi Foundsheep - not necessarily. We've lived and served in places like Haiti, South Africa, Paraguay, Taiwan, and Mexico, and I can't say we've seen more miracles there. We have seen more people delivered from demonic oppression/possession, though.
When occultism is on the rise or is prevalent, you can be sure there are demons looking to take advantage.

I feel bad for Haitians, it's just one disaster after another. From what I hear voodoo is a big thing there.

Maybe God is just so good at miracles, that we don't even notice when they are happening. :p
Maybe God is just so good at miracles, that we don't even notice when they are happening. :p
Sadly we don't always notice ...

Hello Foundsheep and paidforinfull;

This is a good topic and thank you for your points. I find what's even sadder is whether we notice God's miracles or not, is not responding and
doing something, instead of just standing and watching.

John 14:12 reads “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father. ” (NIV)

When Jesus dwelt on Earth, He did many great things: He raised the dead, healed the sick, delivered those who were demon possessed, multiplied fish and bread, turned water into wine, spoke a word and a fig tree withered, walked on water, etc.

According to John 14:12 we should not only match what Jesus has done, but do even greater things than what He, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords did.

Yes, we pray for the sick, and some get healed while others don’t. The outcome depends on God’s will. We also pray for those who are attacked and tortured by demon spirits, and they get delivered. I have not yet heard of any Christians besides those mentioned in the Bible who were able to raise the dead to life, and I have yet to see a believer turn water into wine, walk on water etc.

John 14:12 starts with the words “I tell you the truth” - with other words, we really should be able to do what Christ said we would do if we had faith. The question now seems to be: is our faith so weak that we can't even do what Christ did - never mind doing more than He was able to do?

Many Christians today seem to concentrate on the physical manifestations of the miracles Christ did – signs and wonders in order to prove to the unbelievers He that He was indeed the Son of God.

In truth, Jesus said we would do even greater things than mere physical miracles.

There was something which even Christ was unable to do while He was still dwelling on Earth: He couldn't bring the message of salvation to a lost and dying world because He had not yet been sacrificed to redeem us from our sins, and he had not yet risen from the dead.

Those who believe in Him, can.

Surely spreading the Gospel which leads to people receiving eternal life through faith in Christ is much greater than healing someone of a physical ailment? Raising the dead to life is nothing compared to leading those dead in sin to everlasting life by reaching the lost for Christ.

Let us therefore continue to do what Jesus expects of us by doing even greater things than He did: let us be His instruments and bring the Gospel to those who are lost and on their way to hell.

(by Belinda van Rensburg © 2008)
NONE of us can do the miracles Jesus did do, as he is God, but he was limited to being in just the physical body while on earth, but now as part of His body, we can go everywhere for Him!
NONE of us can do the miracles Jesus did do, as he is God, but he was limited to being in just the physical body while on earth, but now as part of His body, we can go everywhere for Him!

Hello YeshuaFan;

By chance is this your response to "There was something which even Christ was unable to do while He was still dwelling on Earth: He couldn't bring the message of salvation to a lost and dying world because He had not yet been sacrificed to redeem us from our sins, and he had not yet risen from the dead." - Quote Belinda van Rensburg

Please elaborate? Thank you, brother.

God bless you, YeshuaFan, and your family.
Hello YeshuaFan;

By chance is this your response to "There was something which even Christ was unable to do while He was still dwelling on Earth: He couldn't bring the message of salvation to a lost and dying world because He had not yet been sacrificed to redeem us from our sins, and he had not yet risen from the dead." - Quote Belinda van Rensburg

Please elaborate? Thank you, brother.

God bless you, YeshuaFan, and your family.
Yes indeed!
Truly, this is a perplexing text. I think, naturally, our minds immediately move to stories such as raising Lazarus from the dead, for example. Or, perhaps walking through walls to escape capture. Or, say, feeding thousands by turning a small amount of food into a large amount of food. But I wonder . . . is this what was in the Mind of Christ? Was this what He was thinking?

I wonder, just wonder, if Jesus was speaking to his immediate followers who would be given certain power to further advance the Faith?

Luke 10:17-20 NIV - "The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name." 18 He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. 20 However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."

Even Paul was given the Power to raise some from the dead. But, does this text mean that these Powers are meant for us today? At this point, I don't think so.
Yes, indeed - I fully agree with you!

But surely it can also apply to Christians today, in the sense I have described? I can not think of a greater miracle than leading someone to Christ. Of course it is all God's doing, and a true miracle with eternal value.
Yes, indeed - I fully agree with you!

But surely it can also apply to Christians today, in the sense I have described? I can not think of a greater miracle than leading someone to Christ. Of course it is all God's doing, and a true miracle with eternal value.
Think that is what Jesus knew and meant, that His followers would under the empowering by the Holy Spirit take his good news to all people, not just limited to Israel as he was at the time!