How do You Keep Yourself Safe These Days?

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With all these dispicable terror attacks ongoing, I am thinking of getting a pepper spray.
We are not allowed firearms in the uk. So I wanted to see how you all keep yourself safe.
Get some ideas.
I was also thinking about some kind of kickboxing or some other fighting sport, as there is one near me, its good for the body and I can get fit and learn to attack when needed.
Thankfully I have never been attacked, and we even have mad dogs on the loose too when they let them off the lead in the ``UK" And Zombie knives are horrific and illegal so I would not want to carry one. But I also wonder if the spray would affect vicious animals too.
Ok thanks for that PG.

I think I am a little rusty on the legal side of things. I will check out the alternatives. 👍
A Personal Defense class for martial arts may be your best bet. However, along with martial arts training, a set of keys held between all fingers on your strong hand side, raked across the face of an attacker, might stop an attack.

With all these dispicable terror attacks ongoing, I am thinking of getting a pepper spray.
We are not allowed firearms in the uk. So I wanted to see how you all keep yourself safe.
Get some ideas.
I was also thinking about some kind of kickboxing or some other fighting sport, as there is one near me, its good for the body and I can get fit and learn to attack when needed.
Thankfully I have never been attacked, and we even have mad dogs on the loose too when they let them off the lead in the ``UK" And Zombie knives are horrific and illegal so I would not want to carry one. But I also wonder if the spray would affect vicious animals too.
Here in Tennessee we are not required to have a license to carry a firearm, concealed or openly. Many of my friends go around armed. Myself, after so many years as a soldier, I exercise a high degree of unconscious situational awareness of my environment, so I don't feel the need to be armed. One thing you can do is be observant of every activity and person around you, and if something doesn't feel right, get out of the area.
1726220649782.png It's funny that you mention this.... the other day ( as in only about a week ago ) my niece came to pick me up for coffee and I noticed she had that cat looking thingy... She loves cats so I thought it was a key chain.... NOPE... It's a female form of brass knuckles. Put 2nd and 3rd fingers through the circles... and PRESTO.... you have a way to protect yourself. It's very inconspicuous and would injure your opponent enough to be able to flee.

Would I actually use it??? I have NO IDEA.... I do carry it with me in my purse... simply because my niece gave it to me.

Our city is getting to be dangerous... there are knife attacks... robberies... and it all stems from the growing homeless/drug problem. Every time I go to town... I see at least one person in a "frozen state" humped over and looking like a statue. It's the Fentanyl. But what is even more dangerous is the mental health issues.... people SCREAMING down the street... talking to themselves... I have been in stores where someone with a mental health issue refuses to leave and is blocking the door way. It's getting scary.

Like Bible Lover stated... I issue a very high alert of my surroundings... It stems from having been on the streets of some very rough neighbourhoods in my early twenties. I generally try to avoid walking by questionable people. I don't make a scene... I just quietly step back and assess the situation. It is a must to stay in the moment.

So.... I do have protection... but I don't know if I would use it. I think it depends who is threatening me.

Not a nice topic... but for us single women... I think it is a topic worthy of discussion.
Sorry for neglecting to add this part.... I just looked it up and well.... I guess these things are illegal in Canada.
It is also illegal to carry any kind of sprays.... so in other words... a person cannot protect themselves.

Anyways... I have a cat key chain. HAHA.

In all honesty... my protection is not something I ever think about. I am very street smart... and I refuse to live my life in FEAR of what might happen. If I'm going to get attacked... it will have to be random and sudden. GOD is my protector.
As I reckon things, I read somewheres that folks in the UK and the former and current British Commonwealth don't have any way to protect themselves from personal attacks, home invasions and car jackings and easily become victims.

Here in the USA, we have a guaranty wrote in the US Constitution that says our Right to Keep and Bear Arms - shall not be infringed. In this country, carrying a licensed concealed weapon is a deterrent to crime and as BibleLover said, carrying legally without a license in some states that allow it, is also a deterrent to crime. The 'bad guys' (criminals) don't know who is carrying or not and don't want to find out the hard way, so crimes against individuals are much lower here than in the UK and Canada.

Here in Kentucky nearly 10 percent of the population is licensed and another 10 to 15 percent carry under the 'no license needed' provision of the law. That's almost a quarter of this state's population, and criminals are all too aware of them folks who carry legally, so they don't do much crime against individuals.

I read that in countries where folks can't protect themselves, crime statistics are a lot higher because the criminals know that no one is going to have a defensive weapon. That's a bad situation to be in and lots of folks in restrictive countries become victims. ☹️

When it comes to protecting your family and yourself. There be the laws of men and there be the laws of God. I choose the law of God over any other when it comes to protecting one’s family View attachment 11448
Honestly… you giving me good vibes sister.

Now then, I just need somewhere to stuff my papers wheres that Mexican border…tee hee

🇺🇸 🇺🇸
With all these dispicable terror attacks ongoing, I am thinking of getting a pepper spray.
We are not allowed firearms in the uk. So I wanted to see how you all keep yourself safe.
Get some ideas.
I was also thinking about some kind of kickboxing or some other fighting sport, as there is one near me, its good for the body and I can get fit and learn to attack when needed.
Thankfully I have never been attacked, and we even have mad dogs on the loose too when they let them off the lead in the ``UK" And Zombie knives are horrific and illegal so I would not want to carry one. But I also wonder if the spray would affect vicious animals too.
My self I conceal Carry 24/7 A martial arts back ground. I think as was pointed out situational awareness is huge today.
I don't sit my back to a door head on a swivel when I leave the house. I don't need to conceal carry. But with the increase of the bad guy carry as well Id rather have it and not need it. Then need it and not have it. Wife CC as well. But where live 20% of the population CC's and 80% own firearms. Things changes when we had a well known mass shooting in the area. Was like satan took up shop here. I do not like it.
But as Bible Lover said I think being aware of where are and all movements when no one else is moving.
There are tell tail signs as well of a person that is carrying a firearm. We can open carry here no permit. But most do not as it draws attention you do not want. I have almost been car jacked, and been threatened had a firearm pulled on me before. Being well aware of the situation helped me get out of those situations unaffected or harmed.
I think as Christ Followers church and related functions can put a person at risk and is why we have to be aware. MHO of course.

Luke 22:36-38 – Jesus' Instruction to His Disciples

Jesus said, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."

Context: In this passage, Jesus is preparing His disciples for the challenges they will face after His crucifixion. Some interpret this as practical advice to be prepared for the dangers ahead, suggesting that self-defense has a place in protecting oneself or others.
However, this should be balanced with Jesus' broader message of peace, as seen in other parts of the Gospels. Some readers interpret this passage symbolically, emphasizing readiness for spiritual conflict rather than physical violence. But I think it is based on the Bible, and its a common sense approach. Do what you can not avoid doing. If you can avoid it and, pleases God then do so.
I think if you own a firearm, you end up battling, or I should say I do if I have to address a deadly threat. Is not something I take lightly.
But I also won't hesitate. As its something I have prayed on for decades. Thank the almighty God that I have been able to avoid it.
My brother called me yesterday and told me he went to McDonalds to pick up some supper on the go. A young fellow was standing outside soliciting for change. My brother ignored him and walked by only to be attacked from behind, he was knocked down and the guy stole his lunch and took off on his bike. I was thinking, too bad you weren't 50 years younger. Anyway he went back into McDonalds and they called the ambulance. After getting stitches around the eye and bandages up wrist he was able to go home.
My brother is not a believer. An unusual number of things/mishaps have been occurring in his life. Maybe the Lord is allowing these things to get his attention???
View attachment 11446 It's funny that you mention this.... the other day ( as in only about a week ago ) my niece came to pick me up for coffee and I noticed she had that cat looking thingy... She loves cats so I thought it was a key chain.... NOPE... It's a female form of brass knuckles. Put 2nd and 3rd fingers through the circles... and PRESTO.... you have a way to protect yourself. It's very inconspicuous and would injure your opponent enough to be able to flee.

Would I actually use it??? I have NO IDEA.... I do carry it with me in my purse... simply because my niece gave it to me.

Our city is getting to be dangerous... there are knife attacks... robberies... and it all stems from the growing homeless/drug problem. Every time I go to town... I see at least one person in a "frozen state" humped over and looking like a statue. It's the Fentanyl. But what is even more dangerous is the mental health issues.... people SCREAMING down the street... talking to themselves... I have been in stores where someone with a mental health issue refuses to leave and is blocking the door way. It's getting scary.

Like Bible Lover stated... I issue a very high alert of my surroundings... It stems from having been on the streets of some very rough neighbourhoods in my early twenties. I generally try to avoid walking by questionable people. I don't make a scene... I just quietly step back and assess the situation. It is a must to stay in the moment.

So.... I do have protection... but I don't know if I would use it. I think it depends who is threatening me.

Not a nice topic... but for us single women... I think it is a topic worthy of discussion.
Those knuckles are mean looking.
My self I conceal Carry 24/7 A martial arts back ground. I think as was pointed out situational awareness is huge today.
I don't sit my back to a door head on a swivel when I leave the house. I don't need to conceal carry. But with the increase of the bad guy carry as well Id rather have it and not need it. Then need it and not have it. Wife CC as well. But where live 20% of the population CC's and 80% own firearms. Things changes when we had a well known mass shooting in the area. Was like satan took up shop here. I do not like it.
But as Bible Lover said I think being aware of where are and all movements when no one else is moving.
There are tell tail signs as well of a person that is carrying a firearm. We can open carry here no permit. But most do not as it draws attention you do not want. I have almost been car jacked, and been threatened had a firearm pulled on me before. Being well aware of the situation helped me get out of those situations unaffected or harmed.
I think as Christ Followers church and related functions can put a person at risk and is why we have to be aware. MHO of course.

Luke 22:36-38 – Jesus' Instruction to His Disciples

Jesus said, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."

Context: In this passage, Jesus is preparing His disciples for the challenges they will face after His crucifixion. Some interpret this as practical advice to be prepared for the dangers ahead, suggesting that self-defense has a place in protecting oneself or others.
However, this should be balanced with Jesus' broader message of peace, as seen in other parts of the Gospels. Some readers interpret this passage symbolically, emphasizing readiness for spiritual conflict rather than physical violence. But I think it is based on the Bible, and its a common sense approach. Do what you can not avoid doing. If you can avoid it and, pleases God then do so.
I think if you own a firearm, you end up battling, or I should say I do if I have to address a deadly threat. Is not something I take lightly.
But I also won't hesitate. As its something I have prayed on for decades. Thank the almighty God that I have been able to avoid it.
The most important lesson I learned in the military was that if you point a weapon be prepared to use it without hesitation. A brandished weapon is not a warning device; that's what a holstered weapon is for. If you choose to carry a weapon, be mentally prepared to take a human life.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that United States is our sister country because the mindset is so different in the two countries.

I hear stories of people carrying weapons and I cringe... yet I know that a concealed weapon is a right in America.... I don't think the
normal Canadian would even contemplate that thought.... unless they were hunters... ( and this includes farmers and people who live off grid ( to protect themselves from bears or wild cats etc ).

The next category ( in Canada ) would be the gangs... mafia and other criminals. We don't have the option of legally possessing personal weapons.

I have no idea if I am speaking for the norm... because I am so NOT NORM..... HAHA. At 61 years old... I have NEVER thought of protecting myself with a weapon.

It is just recently that I have given thought to WHAT IF?? I am so very protected here where I am living. Violence is rising every where I believe.

Anyways... this is a very complex topic. Nice to see the forums blossoming with all kinds of thoughts.

Sorry... I edited this.
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Hello Prim90 and In Awe of Him;

When it comes to protecting your family and yourself. There be the laws of men and there be the laws of God. I choose the law of God over any other when it comes to protecting one’s family View attachment 11448

Prim90, your post startled me. As I was looking at her image she was moving. YIKES! 🫣

Many Christians choose their own form of protection. I have never owned a gun but chose God's protection over my family and myself. But He also gives me wisdom to watch my surroundings and a time when to go out and come in.
Still, many Christians choose their own form of protection. I have another point to make regarding In Awe of Him's post.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that United States is our sister country because the mindset is so different in the two countries. I hear stories of people carrying weapons and I cringe... yet I know that a concealed weapon is a right in America.... I don't think the normal Canadian would even contemplate that thought.... unless they were hunters... ( and this includes farmers and people who live off grid ( to protect themselves from bears or wild cats etc ). The next category ( in Canada ) would be the gangs... mafia and other criminals. We don't have the option of legally possessing personal weapons. I have no idea if I am speaking for the norm... because I am so NOT NORM..... HAHA. At 61 years old... I have NEVER thought of protecting myself with a weapon. It is just recently that I have given thought to WHAT IF?? I am so very protected here where I am living. Violence is rising every where I believe. Anyways... this is a very complex topic. Nice to see the forums blossoming with all kinds of thoughts.
Sorry... I edited this.

In Awe of Him;

I do know America has always been blessed at having an ally and neighboring country such as Canada. I've actually walked, ferryboated and driven on your freeways. Of course there is a light as well as a dark side. My family and I were blessed and safe while enjoying our visits to Canada.

You mentioned that it's hard to believe America is our sister country because the mindset is so different. When it comes to our law of the Second Amendment, when understood and exercised correctly, is a good law as many of our other laws like the First Amendment.

Problem is many Americans have abused these laws / freedom in it's history, making it extremely difficult for law abiding Americans the security and forcing our government to "amend" our original laws.

Yes, it is a very complex topic. This is why the very small percentage of Christians pray to God regarding our laws from both countries, thus allies, that allow God to cover Canada and America and thwart the darkness of the abusers of our laws.

God bless everyone.


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