" I believe in a good God who takes a personal interest in all of us. My God loved the world so much that we was willing to send His son, Jesus, to die for us."
There is people that think
"There's just no way God could love someone as undeserving and evil as I am."
Go read Job42: 5-6
Even apostle Paul had some seriously negative feelings about himself (1 Cor 15:9)
I read this somewhere this question made me think.
" I didn't begin to understand how God could love so many people equally until I had more that one child."
Love is not something God does. It is who God is.And because of who he is, God loves you. PERIOD
Go read Romans 5:8
Our God wants a relationship with you, Where to start ?
Start by opening up and let Him in and take control of your life
Take control of your life for His love to be washed over you !!!
Go read 1 Peter 4:8
Not only does God's love cover our bad choices - God's love also makes us significant. Even in a world of so many people and so many problems, each of us is loved by God, and loved in a way that is different - and better - than the way of human love.
Go read Jeremiah 31:3
John 3:16