How to keep children away from sin

I asked the question of how people keep their kids away from "sin" as in how to keep a teen away from a lot of the temptations they face. I don't want to take all of their freedom away or rule their life until they are 24! That's psychologically destructive to anyone! I'm not offended by repentance but I am annoyed by those who tell people they need to repent as if they have the right to judge someone elses actions. It bothers me when Christians do that because it doesn't help to make Christianity a very kind religion in a non believers eyes. If we want to help people who do not believe to turn to God we can't be rude or judgemental and we surely can't dictate our children's lives until they are 24! Some people have graduated college before 24 and have a career at that age. Jesus Christ was not a strict man. He was kind and caring and understanding. He didn't rule his followers with an iron fist. He didn't use force or coercion to keep people in his congregation. He didn't use fear to make people believe in God. He is the reason for Christianity. He is the only person who matters in this belief system. Why do some people act in ways that are completely opposite of how Christ acted? Those people have given Christianity the name of being a hypocritical and angry religion. We are not hypocrites and we are not angry people who hate others.

:smiley40: unregistered you have a very valid point in stating what you have . Love is the one force that conquers sin ,and the unconditional LOVE OF JESUS is what changes hearts and lives . I have in my life encountered some who said they were Christian and they were the meanest people on planet earth to me :smiley70: Judgment is never taken well , :smiley70:

my point was that KMSGA did try to convey intent

Peace be with you in Lord Jesus Christ.

I am sorry but you have abdicated your responsiblity as a parent and you need to repent.I also would like you to know I am not being harsh, but firm, because I care about how your daughter grows up, I want not one of His babies to be lost to the enemy, but I also have a care for you as a parent and your home, for it to be as it should be in Christ, so you can be the Christian family He created you to be. And that you home be a Home of God, where He resides always.

It is the unconditional LOVE OF JESUS THAT BRINGS THE PEACE BE WITH YOU :smiley40: and YES I UNDERSTAND well your point , I do believe that the poster your disgruntled with meant no offense .

I have in my life been subjected to judgment and even rejected and denied the right to even have a voice among some who were Christians suposedly , it was beyond painful it literally seared my psychological skin to the point at times I would cry uncontrollably :smiley70: asking Jesus why dont you love me ? :smiley70:

And you know what happened ? :smiley90: Jesus showed me it was that he always LOVED ME :smiley90: and that the sin nature was over come because of his GREAT UNCONDITIONAL LOVE . Something many Christians fail to extend :smiley40: yes I see your point clearly and I get what your saying
The biggest battles most teens have is peer presure , trying to be accepted ,and learning to resist temptations . They often need a older wiser role model to demonstrate to them "how to put on the full armor of Christ " this is found in the book of Eph I believe :smiley90: they won't always get it right ,as a matter of fact they may get it all wrong .

Learning from mistakes is a very big part of when a role model can turn the seemingly impossible around :smiley10:

I had to have quite a lot of help to learn to resist some things as a matter of fact :smiley90: when I saw it demonstrated through a elder I grasp where I was failing the most , this is why it is so important to have involved parents and role models teens look up to
:smiley40: you can never whack any child up side their head with a 13 pound book and expect them to accept what is written and follow it to the letter :smiley50: we often wish it could be that easy but I am terribly afraid it is not so :smiley100:
The biggest battles most teens have is peer presure , trying to be accepted ,and learning to resist temptations . They often need a older wiser role model to demonstrate to them "how to put on the full armor of Christ " this is found in the book of Eph I believe :smiley90: they won't always get it right ,as a matter of fact they may get it all wrong .

Learning from mistakes is a very big part of when a role model can turn the seemingly impossible around :smiley10:

I had to have quite a lot of help to learn to resist some things as a matter of fact :smiley90: when I saw it demonstrated through a elder I grasp where I was failing the most , this is why it is so important to have involved parents and role models teens look up to

Every person has free will and we don't all think alike. I can teach my children what I'd like for them to know. After giving them the knowledge what they do with it is their choice. I know there are ways of going about things. Some parents try to shut their children out to the world. This only causes them to over indulge once they are allowed to be "let lose" at college or in adult life in general. We all have to mature psychologically and a part of that is being able to find our own identity. Usually this happens in the teen years. Someone cannot find an identity without being able to explore the world. There has to be a fine line between a parent allowing their child to explore the world in a safe way, keeping them locked away, or allowing them to run wild. The latter two will never work. People have to find a happy medium.
:smiley90: yep that is true

As a child growing up I tasted of unrestrained freedom ,growing up on 100 acres of farm land my people homesteaded . My parents wasted no time educating us to become part of the work force of home life and we made most of everything we had . I had a friend that was mostly locked up and never allowed out of the house ,for fear of critters that mostly would not bother children :smiley70: when she made it to 18 she left for college and went wilder than a buck :smiley80: . She hated staying in one place for over 3 months ,and went through everything :smiley50: I always knew her parents did a grave injustice not giving her any freedom at all . My parents on the other hand were practical and for the most part my Father kept up with us by being smart enough to train bloodhounds to go everywhere we did :smiley90: and if I was venturing into the wilderness I went with a pistol I was thoroughly trained to use . I got my first job working in our small little town by the time I was 12 years of age and for the most part earned all my clothes and cars and whatever else I wanted . I use to give my parents some money because that was responsability , my mom never spent a dime of it ,and one day she gave it all back :smiley80: wow was I shocked , they never handed us anything with out making us learn responsibility and thank God they were like that :smiley90: children do best when they are part of life and learning how to do everything they will need to do in life , I was cooking at age 10 ,driving anything with wheels before 16 and working ,so I am glad my parents made sure we got to be included in their day to day lives thats how we learned and it gave security and peace of mind we all worked together :smiley90: . I never got in much trouble but I did get my fair share of discipline :smiley50: they never wronged me or told me anything untrue ,they just made sure I understood exactlly how serious God see's sin and that was that :smiley40: I know I was never created to live in a world separated from God his Love and mercy and patience is a have to have . I got well past the years of messing up here and there when I stopped trying to run my own life and I let God have the wheel in driving mine :smiley90: things have worked much greater since then :smiley10: