
Hi folks, this is Boanerges but you can call me brother Larry. I am a past member coming in to say hi to some old friends and meet some new ones. It is a wonderful thing to have such a large family (in Christ) and to break spiritual bread with others.
Much Love in Jesus Name
Brother Larry,(AKA bother Larry- lol.)

I was so glad to hear that you was coming back. Look forward to fellowship with you.
Welcome Back to Cfs Boanerges
I have heard some nice things about you and look forward to getting to know one another.

Lots of things have changed around cfs since your last visit so I would ask of you to look over the Following and Familiarize yourself with them.
This will help to keep things going smoothly and Joyfully for you.

1. Forum Policies and Procedures.
2. Topics which May Not Be Discussed in the open forum.

If you have any questions or issues with the forum, please feel free to contact a moderator or helper and we will do what we can to help.

Again Welcome Back to CFS.