"Church" isn't a building. You are the church. You can assemble online or with friends. Better, have church with your husband, 1 Peter 3:1. God put him over you per your choice, Rom 13:1. I don't follow dogma, I want to follow the word of God.Today my husband forbids me from going to church anymore, is it my duty to obey him? What does God's Word say concerning this? Thanks
Can you share why? what reasons does he have for this attitude?Today my husband forbids me from going to church anymore, is it my duty to obey him? What does God's Word say concerning this? Thanks
I do not know all the circumstances. But let me share this with you. My personal experience. My mom was born again believer. She was saved while carrying me. But dad is still an unbeliever and he is Hindu. Indian culture is very different. My dad never allowed my mom to got to Church. I watched all these while growing up. She was always obedient to him. She would not visit Church at all. Only occasionally she would visit Church. Especially during Good Friday, Christmas or New Year. Otherwise, home was Church. She would pray, read Bible, sing songs and even preach! Yea, she would preach to usToday my husband forbids me from going to church anymore, is it my duty to obey him? What does God's Word say concerning this? Thanks
I do not know all the circumstances. But let me share this with you. My personal experience. My mom was born again believer. She was saved while carrying me. But dad is still an unbeliever and he is Hindu. Indian culture is very different. My dad never allowed my mom to got to Church. I watched all these while growing up. She was always obedient to him. She would not visit Church at all. Only occasionally she would visit Church. Especially during Good Friday, Christmas or New Year. Otherwise, home was Church. She would pray, read Bible, sing songs and even preach! Yea, she would preach to usNow we all sons are married and moved out. Now my dad is not the same old person. He lets her go anywhere freely. She goes to Church every week and attends lot of prayer meetings as well. She has full liberty.
All I am saying is, my mom always obeyed my dad. And Lord did bless her. The ultimate blessing we all are waiting for is change in my dad's heart and coming to Christ
I am more happy now. I laugh more. The first time it happened he found a reason to yell at me. This was last july 2015. He bought me a new car and I was so happy, like a natural high. So we went to a restaurant to celebrate and I was still giddy. I knew it was the Holy Spirit. He looked down at his shirt and saw it was not buttoned right and he went into a rage right there in the restaurant. He said it was my fault. He was mad because all day we were at the car dealers. Since then I keep the joy of God and peace and love. He wants me to not go to church and I can do that, but he wants me to stop listening to religious music and reading the bible and so forth. He's threatening to leave me. It's funny because I love him more then when we first married, but he wants me the way I was, which was like a dead door mat. I don't have to go to church, and I don't mean a building because we don't have a building, I love the people, but I want to continue to change and I want to look like, smell, feel like Jesus. I love Jesus, He so real for me, I don't want to ever go back to who i was. Even now, I don't want to be who I was yesterday. Now, sometimes Hubby will say he wants to make me the happiest wife in the world. I am honoring him and respecting him, and fierce in my loyalty to him.
My husband is treating me well today, it turns out he just wanted money, I have already given him over 30 thousand dollars. So has his daughters. He got singled out by the irs and was sued by some people who broke into one of his rentals and broke a sink and it fell on a child. I do pray and worship constantly and would appreciate your prays. I don't want to fight alone, thanks![]()
A husband can not usurp what God has already said for you to do!! The husband is the head of his wife in a marriage, but he is not the head of the women in Christ, for there is no male or female in the Lord. I am assuming your husband is not a believer, and if he is not, you do what the Lord tells you in his Word, and if your husband does not like it, it is OK for him to leave your marriage as it is written here.Today my husband forbids me from going to church anymore, is it my duty to obey him? What does God's Word say concerning this? Thanks
I do not believe we should be discussing this man, for he is Angela's husband. What happens between husband and wife is a private matter.
Keeping things hidden is the Devil's best weapon.I do not believe we should be discussing this man, for he is Angela's husband. What happens between husband and wife is a private matter.
Today my husband forbids me from going to church anymore, is it my duty to obey him? What does God's Word say concerning this? Thanks