I’m not done yet

Specially dedicated to a fellow wrinkly who was feeling her age!

I’m not done yet

I’m as old as my hair
And a little older than my teeth
But my teeth come out at night,
my hair line has risen with the tide,
Forty may well be the new sixty
But ten p.m has become the new midnight!

So, should I accept the change
and succumb to the opinion
I’m too old,
And sit in Gods waiting room and wait,
For my name to be called
For my number to be up?
H**l no in not falling for that

I’m not going to accept that I’ve been put out to grass,
Like Moses, I may not be on the front line,
Not part of the first team,
Not part of Joshua’s
‘A’ team but an ‘also ran’
I’m still part of Gods platoon
in the backing group!!
I’ll be there on the side lines!
cheering team God
Encouraging them with Gods game plan!
Remind them to keep fighting the good fight!
Starting a God (Mexican) wave
I’ll be shouting encouragement ,
So that the guys in the front line ,
Know they’re not alone,
know we’ve got their back

I know the lofts got thin and white
Over the years
And the legs seem to have a life of their own
My get up and go’s gone somewhere else
But there’s still fire in my soul!
in my heart I can love like a 16 year old
but my mind reminds me Im twice a widow
and my feet stand still at the thought

in my heart I can run around a track
but my mind reminds me it hurts too much
and my feet dont want to anymore

in my heart I see myself as beautiful
but my mind reminds me I have aged
and my feet keep walking through time

in my heart I think I can see heaven
but my mind reminds me Im still alive
and my feet wish they were already there

(inspired by your write)