I find it difficult when others don’t understand one’s perspective on social class issues

I’ve had a conversation with a guy who’s full capitalist and keeps on rambling over how socialism and communism are ruining the standards of pay and work and people are simply trying to be lazy. Here’s how it goes:

Guy: We all have the right to dream and spend our money as we please, instead of the government telling us how. So many woke/communists, want things handled by the government, but socialism and communism has never worked. Why would doctors, pharmacies go thru all their hard work, only to be paid the same amount as a bus driver (communism)?

Me: I think it’s better if a bus driver gets paid more than having doctors and psychiatrist being paid less because working as a bus driver (or someone who works on the road) can be very dangerous. Many people have been injured while some were even killed. Also it’s very expensive to go through colleges and participate for eight years to actually become a doctor. For a bus driver, I might assume, you can only participate in school in two years before getting the job, despite it being more dangerous than a doctor or a psychiatrist.

Guy: Well i meant that a lot of doctors or scientists wouldn't go through all the school and hard work, unless they were going to be paid well= Capitalism. Communism = everyone would be paid the same amount regardless of profession. Communism kills productivity and takes away the desire to succeed.

Me: Yes but on the other hand, there are poor people unable to afford the jobs they desire despite the hard work they put into them and yearning for these opportunities. Also there’s also the equal bill pay regardless of your background. Wouldn’t really matter how hard you work, the bills would remain the same or perhaps worsen.

Guy: I haven’t seen this. Everyone I’ve known that’s worked hard has succeeded at great lengths.

Okay, you get where this is going. I tried explaining that I was part of the disadvantaged class raised in an impoverished environment and unstable economic community. I also explained that it is difficult to achieve the same successes and rewards when raised with a lack of privileges. I described about my region’s community in general. And yet I can’t really get him to understand my struggles. It gets nowhere and some people just can’t seem to acknowledge that they have it good, a supported community, a plentiful workplace environment, a well-paid earning without a care in the world. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself and the people growing up in my region.
I’ve had a conversation with a guy who’s full capitalist and keeps on rambling over how socialism and communism are ruining the standards of pay and work and people are simply trying to be lazy. Here’s how it goes:

Guy: We all have the right to dream and spend our money as we please, instead of the government telling us how. So many woke/communists, want things handled by the government, but socialism and communism has never worked. Why would doctors, pharmacies go thru all their hard work, only to be paid the same amount as a bus driver (communism)?

Me: I think it’s better if a bus driver gets paid more than having doctors and psychiatrist being paid less because working as a bus driver (or someone who works on the road) can be very dangerous. Many people have been injured while some were even killed. Also it’s very expensive to go through colleges and participate for eight years to actually become a doctor. For a bus driver, I might assume, you can only participate in school in two years before getting the job, despite it being more dangerous than a doctor or a psychiatrist.

Guy: Well i meant that a lot of doctors or scientists wouldn't go through all the school and hard work, unless they were going to be paid well= Capitalism. Communism = everyone would be paid the same amount regardless of profession. Communism kills productivity and takes away the desire to succeed.

Me: Yes but on the other hand, there are poor people unable to afford the jobs they desire despite the hard work they put into them and yearning for these opportunities. Also there’s also the equal bill pay regardless of your background. Wouldn’t really matter how hard you work, the bills would remain the same or perhaps worsen.

Guy: I haven’t seen this. Everyone I’ve known that’s worked hard has succeeded at great lengths.

Okay, you get where this is going. I tried explaining that I was part of the disadvantaged class raised in an impoverished environment and unstable economic community. I also explained that it is difficult to achieve the same successes and rewards when raised with a lack of privileges. I described about my region’s community in general. And yet I can’t really get him to understand my struggles. It gets nowhere and some people just can’t seem to acknowledge that they have it good, a supported community, a plentiful workplace environment, a well-paid earning without a care in the world. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself and the people growing up in my region.
The complexities of life and survival be many. More so in a fallen world. Some of us make it out of the womb. From there we may die young, middle aged or old. What is classed as a successful life ? Our secular standards may not been seen as a mark of success in the eyes of God. Many of us live in nations and countries of peace that have never felt the impact of war while others live through it on a daily basis. Perhaps the reality for most of humanity be much the same. If your fortunate to stay employed until 65. Than you are now old with one foot already in the grave upon retirement. And how much of that retirement will one even get to enjoy?. Death puts us all on a level playing field eventually. I cannot answer the present injustices in a fallen world. Only that it is temporary and a drop in the ocean compared to the future glory of eternity
The world is challenging. It's tempting to say, "I am right and you are wrong" but the reality is more like "I am right and you are also right" or "I am wrong and you are also wrong". It takes a great deal of compassion and patience from both sides to reach an equitable compromise, and even that will be insufficient for some. This is just the nature of our world.
I’ve had a conversation with a guy who’s full capitalist
There are relative truths and absolute truths. I am staying away from absolute truths such as gravity for this post.

Opinions on topics like music, politics and economics are examples of relative truths. If you believe it, it is true for you. If I don’t believe it, then it is not true for me, no matter how much evidence is exchanged between us.

An example of a relative truth is ‘blue is the best color for balloons’. This may be true for most people but arguably not everyone, however we can’t expect to convince the blue ballon loving person they are wrong. It is best if we accept their preference and move on.

Relative truth doesn’t have to be logical.

A person cannot logically say, “There is no God” even though many do say this. They would need to have absolute knowledge of the entire universe and all that has transpired and will transpire, from the beginning to end. This is impossible, the most anyone can logically say is “With the limited knowledge I have, I do not believe there is a God.”

Same with politics and economics, these are personal opinions and not absolutes. When we argue against a person’s opinions we often actually ‘harden’ their position because many people will go to great lengths to NOT be proven wrong.

Christ Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).

So PTSDintheAsylum , the only truth we need to be concerned about is this:

‘Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ John 14:6

God bless you.
I’ve had a conversation with a guy who’s full capitalist and keeps on rambling over how socialism and communism are ruining the standards of pay and work and people are simply trying to be lazy. Here’s how it goes:

Guy: We all have the right to dream and spend our money as we please, instead of the government telling us how. So many woke/communists, want things handled by the government, but socialism and communism has never worked. Why would doctors, pharmacies go thru all their hard work, only to be paid the same amount as a bus driver (communism)?

Me: I think it’s better if a bus driver gets paid more than having doctors and psychiatrist being paid less because working as a bus driver (or someone who works on the road) can be very dangerous. Many people have been injured while some were even killed. Also it’s very expensive to go through colleges and participate for eight years to actually become a doctor. For a bus driver, I might assume, you can only participate in school in two years before getting the job, despite it being more dangerous than a doctor or a psychiatrist.

Guy: Well i meant that a lot of doctors or scientists wouldn't go through all the school and hard work, unless they were going to be paid well= Capitalism. Communism = everyone would be paid the same amount regardless of profession. Communism kills productivity and takes away the desire to succeed.

Me: Yes but on the other hand, there are poor people unable to afford the jobs they desire despite the hard work they put into them and yearning for these opportunities. Also there’s also the equal bill pay regardless of your background. Wouldn’t really matter how hard you work, the bills would remain the same or perhaps worsen.

Guy: I haven’t seen this. Everyone I’ve known that’s worked hard has succeeded at great lengths.

Okay, you get where this is going. I tried explaining that I was part of the disadvantaged class raised in an impoverished environment and unstable economic community. I also explained that it is difficult to achieve the same successes and rewards when raised with a lack of privileges. I described about my region’s community in general. And yet I can’t really get him to understand my struggles. It gets nowhere and some people just can’t seem to acknowledge that they have it good, a supported community, a plentiful workplace environment, a well-paid earning without a care in the world. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself and the people growing up in my
So, what do you do about it?

If the issue is getting a good job and participating in the social life, consider this:

If a company hires you, will they be getting someone that contributes to the company success or will they be hiring someone that feels society in general and the specific company owes him his pay? Would you want to hire someone with that outlook? It doesn't even matter if that perception is true of false.

Companies hire (and pay) people that help them reach their goals. They may have a program to help challenged workers get a start, but this is a very small part of their hiring budget.

It is not always straight forward. In one of my jobs I analyzed, my job description the and review practices and realized that me getting a good salary increase or promotion depended on my supervisor getting HIS yearly bonus.

50+ years ago I was cleaning toilets at night and going to college during the day. I was frustrated and did not see my education getting anywhere. My solution (after much research, thought, and prayer) was to join the military and let them train me and employ me. Although recruiting terms at the time allowed for selecting a career _or_ selecting the first duty station, I let them select both my job and duty location based on aptitude tests and their needs. It was one of the three best decisions in my life. (the other two being to follow Christ and to marry my wife). I got training and experience and they put me at a location where those skills were needed.

After service I have made a career out of seeing where my company was headed and gaining the knowledge and expertise needed to be useful in helping them get there.

I don't know the details of where you are, but I suggest that you look at who is hiring and what skills they need. They go and acquire those skills. I also suggest you do some volunteer work. It is a great way to invest in you community and exhibit your work ethic (looks good on a job application).
I’ve had a conversation with a guy who’s full capitalist and keeps on rambling over how socialism and communism are ruining the standards of pay and work and people are simply trying to be lazy. Here’s how it goes:

Guy: We all have the right to dream and spend our money as we please, instead of the government telling us how. So many woke/communists, want things handled by the government, but socialism and communism has never worked. Why would doctors, pharmacies go thru all their hard work, only to be paid the same amount as a bus driver (communism)?

Me: I think it’s better if a bus driver gets paid more than having doctors and psychiatrist being paid less because working as a bus driver (or someone who works on the road) can be very dangerous. Many people have been injured while some were even killed. Also it’s very expensive to go through colleges and participate for eight years to actually become a doctor. For a bus driver, I might assume, you can only participate in school in two years before getting the job, despite it being more dangerous than a doctor or a psychiatrist.

Guy: Well i meant that a lot of doctors or scientists wouldn't go through all the school and hard work, unless they were going to be paid well= Capitalism. Communism = everyone would be paid the same amount regardless of profession. Communism kills productivity and takes away the desire to succeed.

Me: Yes but on the other hand, there are poor people unable to afford the jobs they desire despite the hard work they put into them and yearning for these opportunities. Also there’s also the equal bill pay regardless of your background. Wouldn’t really matter how hard you work, the bills would remain the same or perhaps worsen.

Guy: I haven’t seen this. Everyone I’ve known that’s worked hard has succeeded at great lengths.

Okay, you get where this is going. I tried explaining that I was part of the disadvantaged class raised in an impoverished environment and unstable economic community. I also explained that it is difficult to achieve the same successes and rewards when raised with a lack of privileges. I described about my region’s community in general. And yet I can’t really get him to understand my struggles. It gets nowhere and some people just can’t seem to acknowledge that they have it good, a supported community, a plentiful workplace environment, a well-paid earning without a care in the world. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself and the people growing up in my region.
Under the coming Antichrist, there will be one world religion, which I believe will be Islam, and there will be one governmental political system, which I believe will be socialism/communism. The "woke" crowd need only be patient; the Bible foresees them getting their way.
ok class issues are quite tricky but lets look at comparing the jobs of bus drivers and doctors - both are needed in a functioning society, doctors to look after and treat patients who are sick, and bus drivers to drive school children, groups and those who don't have cars or can't drive around.

Yes doctors undergo more training and need a high level of skill plus people skills, and medical expertise. Dealing with disease/illness and the human body can be terrible if you don't know what you are doing. So I understand they will get paid a lot more than other professions, plus the hours they work - can be round the clock. Medical school is expensive, but if you are smart and have scholarship you may be paid for and what you earn will eventually pay off your student loan. Unfortunately other countries that pay better may poach you - that's why there's a doctor shortage!

Bus driving can be a dangerous job too but need training especially related to safety of all your passengers, being on time, and navigating tricky roads and traffic. But it doesn't take at least 7 years to train, maybe just 2 years. I think the issue with bus drivers is they need better health insurance and to be looked after by employers rather than more pay, which should be enough to make a living from. I have spoken with a former bus driver and he advocates for better working conditions, it's not so much the pay. It's the culture of the organisation that helps a bus driver feel happy in his/her job, as well as having enough cover because it's a service that everyone relies on.

I had thought about being a mobile library bus driver (sounds like a fun job!) as long as there is adequate back up, and breaks since you are on the road all the time. It's not like a job in ONE place where you can escape for a bit or walk around! I'd be a bit wary though because dealing with traffic and roads is not my most favourite thing in the world to do.

Both jobs are necessary but require different skillsets. If they are not willing to train you - you need to have already done the training and do professional development to keep on top of the job. Many employers don't have time to train people they expect you to bring your skills and knowledge to the job rather than learn on the job. This is why doctors do residencies and practicums BEFORE they become qualified and registered doctors, plus they still have to pass exams on the job!!

If you just want a mindless job that pays a wage that doesn't challenge you or anything you have to study or train for you can work in a factory where you do the same thing over and over. Its not being lazy, because you'll work hard and put in hours, but you won't really learn much or exercise your mind. And if you are part of one big team often you will just do one thing over and over (many hands make light work) but you won't really get much say in what you do.