I have some questions and need help please
Hi, I am new here, kinda a baby christian..Both me and my husband are. Here is the situation. I was raised with the little teaching that I received as a baptist, Now i live elsewhere and my life has changed, however the one who brought me back to Jesus is pentacostal...Both religions are very different, I lean more toward the baptist faith as it was my fundamental background, however reading my bible KJV I was confused, the baptist church that I had attended thought that tongues and hands on prayer and healing was basically of the devil. Yet I read in Col, or Corinthians about tongues and the prayer and healing, and it said to not hold those who do such in contempt. My daughter who is 18 through her other grandmother came to follow the pentacostal faith. I have been concerned from the reading that I have been doing. 1) my beliefs have always followed John 3:16, that you cannot lose your salvation, the church that I have been going to does not believe that way, they believe that you can go to hell even if you are a christian.So i really need some clarification here. 2) I have read on the (forgive me if I spell it wrong)ecurmercurial movement- about all the religions coming together to create something that will have something to do with the anti christ and that all those that follow that path will go to hell.......Ok I am a little freaked out!!!! It is like each religion belief has it's own way of doing things that may or may not explicitly follow the Bible.....So i am afraid to even attend/become a member of a church, worried that I am doing something wrong. I am really trying to walk in the word, and want to do what is right. I was baptized just over a week ago in the pentacostal church..Now another question..They believe that speaking in tongues is a sign that you have the Holy Spirit, I believe that I have had the Holy Spirit since I was saved, however else could my life changed so much?????
Any advice that those of you here could give would be greatly appreciated. I have been scouring the internet for bible studies that i can do at home with out a computer, i have no power, or net where i live, and do not get to spend as much time as i feel i would need to devote to online studies, I have ordered devotionals that i can obtain for free, we literally have no income, I study, pray, study more, pray, ask for guidance and direction.
OOPs another question/observation.
I have been reading my Bible and listening to Walk in the Word, and Charles Stanley. My family is in a bad finacial way, like many others. I have been praying about our needs, and our situation. Then i started trying to learn how to pray, and about being a better christian. It came to me that 1) i am confused
2) We are here to be more like Jesus, and to walk like him to the best of our ablilities 3) When we pray we should be praying for ways to serve God, Not for our own selfish needs 4) yet we have needs 5) This is where i got a bit confused. I was trying to walk right in order to please God so that he would help us, that was wrong! I should have been doing things to please him, because Jesus died for our sins, and I should be gratefull and do all that I can to show my thanksgiving for this wonderfull gift that we were given. And through our love for him, and by walking with him as he would have us, through that our needs will be met. I am getting that. How do i convey this to my husband? I know that desperation brought him closer to Jesus. I mean he was saved and baptized as a young man/teen. But has not really been involved know what i mean. I do not know that he yet knows how to love him, does this make sense? I am trying to bible study with him, and help him gain more understanding, but i feel like i am not doing things right. I keep encouraging him, hinting perhaps we should find a bible group, but he does not want to do that yet, and financed keep it from happening. so well any help that we could get would be appreciated
Thank you
Hi, I am new here, kinda a baby christian..Both me and my husband are. Here is the situation. I was raised with the little teaching that I received as a baptist, Now i live elsewhere and my life has changed, however the one who brought me back to Jesus is pentacostal...Both religions are very different, I lean more toward the baptist faith as it was my fundamental background, however reading my bible KJV I was confused, the baptist church that I had attended thought that tongues and hands on prayer and healing was basically of the devil. Yet I read in Col, or Corinthians about tongues and the prayer and healing, and it said to not hold those who do such in contempt. My daughter who is 18 through her other grandmother came to follow the pentacostal faith. I have been concerned from the reading that I have been doing. 1) my beliefs have always followed John 3:16, that you cannot lose your salvation, the church that I have been going to does not believe that way, they believe that you can go to hell even if you are a christian.So i really need some clarification here. 2) I have read on the (forgive me if I spell it wrong)ecurmercurial movement- about all the religions coming together to create something that will have something to do with the anti christ and that all those that follow that path will go to hell.......Ok I am a little freaked out!!!! It is like each religion belief has it's own way of doing things that may or may not explicitly follow the Bible.....So i am afraid to even attend/become a member of a church, worried that I am doing something wrong. I am really trying to walk in the word, and want to do what is right. I was baptized just over a week ago in the pentacostal church..Now another question..They believe that speaking in tongues is a sign that you have the Holy Spirit, I believe that I have had the Holy Spirit since I was saved, however else could my life changed so much?????
Any advice that those of you here could give would be greatly appreciated. I have been scouring the internet for bible studies that i can do at home with out a computer, i have no power, or net where i live, and do not get to spend as much time as i feel i would need to devote to online studies, I have ordered devotionals that i can obtain for free, we literally have no income, I study, pray, study more, pray, ask for guidance and direction.
OOPs another question/observation.
I have been reading my Bible and listening to Walk in the Word, and Charles Stanley. My family is in a bad finacial way, like many others. I have been praying about our needs, and our situation. Then i started trying to learn how to pray, and about being a better christian. It came to me that 1) i am confused

Thank you