the bethel church in folsom, Jesus Culture, from redding california, i want this to work. i don't want to miss God, plz pray for me, thank u
Can and shal pray - Howeverr -------- if it was of God then it it work for it is already authorised to work but if it is of You - then why try to convince God to make it work ?the bethel church in folsom, Jesus Culture, from redding california, i want this to work. i don't want to miss God, plz pray for me, thank u
Angela, sometimes as a Christian we miss God, but we learn from that as we grow older in the Lord and power of his might. The first thing I use if I am wondering if I should something, is I check my heart to see if I have "peace" about it. All the Apostles lived with a clear "conscience" in their lives. You will know if something is from the Lord or not, but this takes practice to discern.the bethel church in folsom, Jesus Culture, from redding california, i want this to work. i don't want to miss God, plz pray for me, thank u
I've tried churches before and it didn't go well for me, the last time I had a true church my children were little, some are close to 40 now. When i use to try churches it just was, you go, sit, praise God, listen to a sermon then leave. One church i even went and helped feed the homeless, and cook food, give out groceries, things like that, i did that for about 3 months, but it didn't work out. I love those people and honor them. The way i use to think was being alone with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit was the best, there was freedom there. Now i'm learning to have people in my life again, it's been awhile. I just don't want to be foolish, I want prayer to protect whatever God is doing. In churches I just want to focus on Jesus in the Holy Spirit, I know i need prayer, in trying 3 churches it wasn't the right fit for me even though those churches are awesome.Why would this not work?
Will definitely be praying!
Amen!Can and shal pray - Howeverr -------- if it was of God then it it work for it is already authorised to work but if it is of You - then why try to convince God to make it work ?
I've been living in the deep south for 1.5 yrs now and still have not found a church that seems right for me and wifee even though we live in the "Bible belt"
Uh, Major.. Luke 16 IS a parable, and has nothing in particular to do with a "lost man".PM me! I have lived in the deep south for lets see old am I?
Just as you see different explanations of Bible theology here, the same thing happens in churches. Keep looking.
Try this easy test. At the door when you are leaving and shaking hands with the pastor, ask him this question............
"Preacher, do YOU think that Luke 16 is a parable, or do you believe it is Jesus explaining what will happen to the lost man"???
IF he says a "parable", keep looking.
Uh, Major.. Luke 16 IS a parable, and has nothing in particular to do with a "lost man".
Sorry Major, you need to be a bit more specific. Lazarus isn't mentioned until Luke 16:19.
Luke 16 begins with
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager