I see the hurt

I see the hurt

I know what was said
Know the hurt, feel the pain…
It kills from inside,
No matter how hard you try to forgive.
Time is your enemy
So deep rooted is the pain…
No matter how hard you try
the hurt just won’t go away,
You cling on to all the promises
Quote chapter and verse,
But like a soiled sticking plaster,
Not healing the wound,
No body seems to understand
How such a seemingly trivial thing
Can rob you of your inner peace
Steal the confidence with in.
The issue spreads like a cancer wearing you out bringing you down
Attacking the spirit within
Nobody knows how deep the pain
How deep the hurt,
How crushed the comment made
Destroyed spirit and bruised the soul…
“Get over it” just don’t work!

Needs must spell check
what you’re about to say

The tongue lives in a wet place
It might slip…
Good morning, Alan;

When we feel pain and hurt inside from people, it's going to sting. This is why it's hard to forgive.

It's like praying. Many times we don't want to pray to God but thats why it's called sacrifice to the Lord. The same thing goes with forgiving others.

God commands us to pray and forgive. In both disciplines the Lord begins the process of healing and cleansing us from the pain and hurt.

Forgiving others is taking the weight (hurt and pain) off slowly but surely from our hearts. If we choose unforgiveness and hate only adds the weight.

God bless you, Alan, and thank you for sharing I see the hurt.

We used to say at the Recovery Center I worked at. Don't let People Take Up Real-estate in your Head rent free.

I have holes in my heart from pain, time, nor redirection ever helps.
I find that the lord is the only one that can fill the pot holes in my life.
And its starts by letting the Lord take up realestate in my head, as he has paid the lease in full.
We used to say at the Recovery Center I worked at. Don't let People Take Up Real-estate in your Head rent free.

I have holes in my heart from pain, time, nor redirection ever helps.
I find that the lord is the only one that can fill the pot holes in my life.
And its starts by letting the Lord take up realestate in my head, as he has paid the lease in full.
Love the picture the phrase “fill the potholes in my life”
Really brings to life when you see some of the road near where I live!!