I Thought The Internet Would Be

I Thought The Internet Would Be:

I saw concrete buildings replace my orchards. Saw my TV go from 4 channels to 4000 .
I watched as technology rose up around me.

The Internet as It Has Become MHO:​

  1. Misuse of Speech and Harmful Communication:
    The Bible frequently warns about the misuse of words, such as gossip, deceit, and slander, which are often magnified on the internet. Proverbs 18:21 says, "The tongue has the power of life and death." This could be seen as a reminder that the internet’s potential for spreading harmful or false information can damage lives and communities. James 3:6-8 talks about how "the tongue is a fire," capable of great destruction when used irresponsibly, which could apply to cyberbullying, hateful speech, or divisive content online.
  2. Idolatry of Fame and Materialism: The pursuit of fame, wealth, and materialism is rampant on many online platforms. The Bible warns against the idolatry of these things. Matthew 6:24 says, "No one can serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and money."
    The internet can foster this conflict by encouraging a culture of status, comparison, and consumerism. Platforms that promote unrealistic standards, social comparison, or excessive consumerism could be seen as fostering a kind of digital idolatry.
  3. Isolation Despite Connection: While the internet offers the promise of connection, many people feel increasingly isolated, lonely, and disconnected. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 emphasizes the importance of companionship, noting that "two are better than one." Despite the abundance of online "friends" or "followers," true, meaningful relationships may be harder to find. The Bible values genuine, face-to-face community, which can be lost in the digital age. Hebrews 10:24-25 encourages believers to meet together regularly for encouragement and support.

    The Internet as It Could Have Been MHO:​

    1. A Tool for Spreading Good News and Encouragement: The internet could be seen as an extraordinary tool for spreading the gospel and uplifting messages of hope. Matthew 28:19-20, the Great Commission, urges believers to "go and make disciples of all nations." The internet offers an unprecedented opportunity to reach people globally with the message of Christ and to promote truth, kindness, and justice.
      Colossians 4:6 teaches, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." If the internet were used more for thoughtful, encouraging, and graceful communication, it could be a powerful force for good.
    2. A Platform for Knowledge and Wisdom:Proverbs 2:6 says, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." The internet, at its best, could have been a tool for spreading wisdom and increasing understanding, fostering learning and growth in a way that reflects God’s desire for people to grow in wisdom.
      Instead of being filled with misinformation or shallow content, the internet could have been a wellspring of knowledge aimed at bettering society, encouraging critical thinking, and promoting truth.
    3. Unity and Building Community:The Bible promotes unity and the building of a strong, compassionate community. Ephesians 4:3 says, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." The internet could have been a platform for creating global communities focused on peace, justice, and mutual support.Acts 2:42-47 depicts the early Christian community as one that shared resources and supported one another. The internet could have been used more widely to promote charitable works, unity, and social justice across the world.

    But I am not disappointed, because I believe the internet shows us more of the people that need Jesus in their lives that never would have.
    This forum surely would exist and none of the video, conversations between people discussing Grace, never would have happened.
    In biblical terms, the internet represents a double-edged sword, full of potential for both good and harm. On the negative side, it reflects the human propensity for misuse—fostering division, gossip, and materialism. On the positive side, it could have been, and still can be, a tool for sharing the gospel, promoting truth, spreading wisdom, and building stronger communities. The Bible would encourage using the internet in ways that align with love, truth, and compassion while warning against the dangers of its misuse. I prefer to thing we are growing out the word of being saved. I also try and think the the greater good in us all outshines the darkness.
    Perspective, MHO , we are stronger and wider in reach then ever before. If I walk into Walmart, I like to think 25% of everyone in there is saved.
    It may not be true, but I like to think it. And then I walk the isles thinking they are. And the internet the same. I like to think 25% are, and you know what.
    When I share the word with someone and they smile back and aware of the GoodNews. I find we are out here just like us.
    Have a Great weekend everyone, thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you.
