I used to be a strong Christian then I lost my faith, but it came back now, but…

Hi brothers and sisters. I used to be a strong Christian, then I got sick and that took my faith away. I have a what’s called schizoaffective disorder which is a mixture of schizophrenia and bipolar, I had it for around 19,6 years. Anyway that’s a long story.
Now, my faith came back in what Jesus Himself said, but I am not sure if Paul was the real disciple. Maybe he is. Lot of people say that some of his teachings contradicted some of Yeshuas teachings, in other places he says what Yeshua already said. I just need some insight from you in regards to Paul and in general the book of acts. Why do you think they are true? In the Old Testament the story of Samson and Dilailah doesn’t make sense, what’s it supposed to mean that his strength was in his har? In the book of Mathew Yeshua already prophecies about the end days, so why do we need the book of Revelations?

In the past I found Christian forums to be the best places to discuss Christianity. When I go to YouTube to see Christian videos I normally watch street preachers and I tend to listen to lay Christians. Jesus said don’t call anyone rabi for you have one teacher and you are all brethren. When it comes to churches, which church should I go with if I’m not supposed to call anyone Rabi? I yearn to be with other Christians but I can’t find a Church that I can entirely agree with. Plus, my understanding is that church are believers, not institution, and that Yeshua is the head of the church, not some so called ordained minister.
I also haven’t been baptised yet. I live in Melbourne, Australia, so if anyone is from Melbourne on the forum please recommend a church. I think finding one that’s closest to my beliefs and just go with that is the only option I’m left with.

Well, that’s all, I’m more than interested in your response please!
Hi brothers and sisters. I used to be a strong Christian, then I got sick and that took my faith away. I have a what’s called schizoaffective disorder which is a mixture of schizophrenia and bipolar, I had it for around 19,6 years. Anyway that’s a long story.
Now, my faith came back in what Jesus Himself said, but I am not sure if Paul was the real disciple. Maybe he is. Lot of people say that some of his teachings contradicted some of Yeshuas teachings, in other places he says what Yeshua already said. I just need some insight from you in regards to Paul and in general the book of acts. Why do you think they are true? In the Old Testament the story of Samson and Dilailah doesn’t make sense, what’s it supposed to mean that his strength was in his har? In the book of Mathew Yeshua already prophecies about the end days, so why do we need the book of Revelations?

In the past I found Christian forums to be the best places to discuss Christianity. When I go to YouTube to see Christian videos I normally watch street preachers and I tend to listen to lay Christians. Jesus said don’t call anyone rabi for you have one teacher and you are all brethren. When it comes to churches, which church should I go with if I’m not supposed to call anyone Rabi? I yearn to be with other Christians but I can’t find a Church that I can entirely agree with. Plus, my understanding is that church are believers, not institution, and that Yeshua is the head of the church, not some so called ordained minister.
I also haven’t been baptised yet. I live in Melbourne, Australia, so if anyone is from Melbourne on the forum please recommend a church. I think finding one that’s closest to my beliefs and just go with that is the only option I’m left with.

Well, that’s all, I’m more than interested in your response please!
Peki when thinking upon Samson. Samson was a Nazarite they took special vows unto the Lord he was also a judge and a warrior.. the judges played a important role in Israel. It was when Israel was ruled God and not kings. I grant you there be some rather wild things in the life and times of Samson. Samson was very impulsive and hot headed at times and quick to seek vengeance. One thinks of the 300 foxes Samson caught tying them in pairs and putting a torch between their tails and sending them scampering through the grain harvest of the Philistines to burn their harvest. I really felt sorry for the foxes . I guess they survived minus their tails 🙀 Imagine doing that today I’m sure Samson would probably be reeking vengeance on the animal liberationist for demanding 20 yrs hard labour for the term of his natural life under the animal cruelty laws . As to Delilah. Well Samson not be alone in that regard IMG_4094.jpegAs to Paul I’m not sure what you mean. Paul was a witness to the risen Christ on the road to Damascus that qualified him as an apostle. As to the head of the church. Yes Jesus be just that. And yes the Bible says to call no man your spiritual Father. But the church still functions with elders , ministers bishops and deacons in varying positions of authority. They certainly be ordained. IMG_4094.jpeg As to the prophecies in Matthew. Why only Matthew and to leave out Revelation. The Bible be full of prophecy in many books of the Bible all the way back to Genesis. Imagine the book of Daniel without the book of Revelations . Peki You have much bad weather in your Victoria today . I hope better weather for you soon .🙋🏻‍♀️
Hi brothers and sisters. I used to be a strong Christian, then I got sick and that took my faith away. I have a what’s called schizoaffective disorder which is a mixture of schizophrenia and bipolar, I had it for around 19,6 years. Anyway that’s a long story.
Now, my faith came back in what Jesus Himself said, but I am not sure if Paul was the real disciple. Maybe he is. Lot of people say that some of his teachings contradicted some of Yeshuas teachings, in other places he says what Yeshua already said. I just need some insight from you in regards to Paul and in general the book of acts. Why do you think they are true? In the Old Testament the story of Samson and Dilailah doesn’t make sense, what’s it supposed to mean that his strength was in his har? In the book of Mathew Yeshua already prophecies about the end days, so why do we need the book of Revelations?

In the past I found Christian forums to be the best places to discuss Christianity. When I go to YouTube to see Christian videos I normally watch street preachers and I tend to listen to lay Christians. Jesus said don’t call anyone rabi for you have one teacher and you are all brethren. When it comes to churches, which church should I go with if I’m not supposed to call anyone Rabi? I yearn to be with other Christians but I can’t find a Church that I can entirely agree with. Plus, my understanding is that church are believers, not institution, and that Yeshua is the head of the church, not some so called ordained minister.
I also haven’t been baptised yet. I live in Melbourne, Australia, so if anyone is from Melbourne on the forum please recommend a church. I think finding one that’s closest to my beliefs and just go with that is the only option I’m left with.

Well, that’s all, I’m more than interested in your response please!

Hi Peki. In my opinion we live in a time of vast amounts of information. So much so its overwhelming.
If I may think... small. I see allot going on in your thought process. I do the same myself try and find points to analyze and make sense.
Imagine yourself living in where you do 150 years ago. Who are you with out all this stuff that complicated our lives.
I have to assume 150 years ago there was no mega churches. Just people following the word of Christ. Most likely in small communities.

I believe there is a correlation of understanding being saved. Helps us understand his path for us.
I am not saying yourself. But I have seen many whom do not believe in Christ as our savior. Also are not aware of the message of salvation.
It just doesn't make sense to them. Its like not being and electrician and then trying to rewire the house without the knowledge to do so.
When I read your posting, I think decomplicate the process here. Christ made it easy to accept the path he opened up for us.
To uncomplicated things in my opinion, if I was in your position I would keep it simple.
Coming to Christ and finding the path can be a profound and personal journey. It's about discovering a relationship with Jesus, understanding His teachings, and aligning your life with His guidance. Here are some steps that might help you along this spiritual journey:

1. Seek Understanding

  • Read the Bible: The Bible is the primary source of Christian teaching. Start with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) to understand the life and teachings of Jesus.
  • Pray: Prayer is a way to communicate with God. Ask for guidance, wisdom, and understanding as you explore your faith.
  • Learn from Others: Engage with a Christian community, whether through a church, Bible study group, or Christian friends. They can offer support, answer questions, and share their experiences.

2. Accept Jesus as Your Savior

  • Recognize the Need for a Savior: Acknowledge your own shortcomings and the need for forgiveness and redemption.
  • Believe in Jesus: Accept that Jesus died for your sins, rose from the dead, and offers eternal life to those who believe in Him.
  • Confess Your Faith: Confess your belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior, either privately in prayer or publicly through a declaration of faith.

3. Repent and Turn Towards God

  • Repentance: Turn away from behaviors, thoughts, and actions that are contrary to God's will. This involves a change of heart and a commitment to living according to Christ's teachings.
  • Baptism: Many Christians choose to be baptized as a public declaration of their faith and commitment to Christ. It symbolizes the washing away of sin and a new life in Jesus.

4. Grow in Your Faith

  • Study and Meditate on Scripture: Regularly reading and reflecting on the Bible will help you grow in understanding and deepen your relationship with God.
  • Prayer and Worship: Continue to pray daily and participate in worship services to strengthen your connection with God.
  • Live Out Your Faith: Let your faith guide your actions, decisions, and interactions with others. Strive to live according to the teachings of Jesus, showing love, compassion, and kindness.
Then return to the words and study them to help reflect knowledge in your life.
Again this is just my opinion, on a path that may help clarify your journey of knowledge.
Pray, speak to God, like he is sitting next to you. Let him know your desire to know the path in front of you.
I think then the questions you are asking will begin to have more clarity.
My son told me a few weeks back, and I am focused on this. The Bible is a Book of Books. Not quotes.
I think we have to know the meaning of the books, and more over a perspective, and grounding.
Being in this group and coming back, is and amazing first start.

Again these are just my opinions on what I think may help answer what you ask.

Hi brothers and sisters. I used to be a strong Christian, then I got sick and that took my faith away. I have a what’s called schizoaffective disorder which is a mixture of schizophrenia and bipolar, I had it for around 19,6 years. Anyway that’s a long story.
Now, my faith came back in what Jesus Himself said, but I am not sure if Paul was the real disciple. Maybe he is. Lot of people say that some of his teachings contradicted some of Yeshuas teachings, in other places he says what Yeshua already said. I just need some insight from you in regards to Paul and in general the book of acts. Why do you think they are true? In the Old Testament the story of Samson and Dilailah doesn’t make sense, what’s it supposed to mean that his strength was in his har? In the book of Mathew Yeshua already prophecies about the end days, so why do we need the book of Revelations?

In the past I found Christian forums to be the best places to discuss Christianity. When I go to YouTube to see Christian videos I normally watch street preachers and I tend to listen to lay Christians. Jesus said don’t call anyone rabi for you have one teacher and you are all brethren. When it comes to churches, which church should I go with if I’m not supposed to call anyone Rabi? I yearn to be with other Christians but I can’t find a Church that I can entirely agree with. Plus, my understanding is that church are believers, not institution, and that Yeshua is the head of the church, not some so called ordained minister.
I also haven’t been baptised yet. I live in Melbourne, Australia, so if anyone is from Melbourne on the forum please recommend a church. I think finding one that’s closest to my beliefs and just go with that is the only option I’m left with.

Well, that’s all, I’m more than interested in your response please!
Hi Peki,

My husband and I live in northern Victoria, but really don`t know any church meeting to help you. You are right about online help for it is more personal. Keep relating to the people here and they will guide you.

As to why the book of Revelation. Well you see all of God`s word is to reveal Christ to us - why He came to save us, how He did that and what He is doing in glory, (Revelation). You may want to check out my notes on revelation here near where you have posted. The notes show that the Father is revealing His Son to us so we can better understand and appreciate Him - His character and His purposes.

all the best, Marilyn.
Now, my faith came back in what Jesus Himself said, but I am not sure if Paul was the real disciple.
First of all Jesus hand picked Peter as well as Paul..

John 21:17 NKJV...Peter
He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Feed My sheep.

Acts 9:15-16 NASB .. Paul
But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel; [16] for I will show him how much he must suffer for My name's sake."

Then Peter put his stamp of approval on Paul...

2 Peter 3:15-16 NKJV
and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, [16] as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
When Jesus was on earth He gave good news to the people of Israel that He was their Messiah. Then when Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to the Father`s right hand, He was made by the Father Head of a whole new group called `the Body of Christ.` To them Jesus gave more good news especially for them and not for the nation of Israel. Jesus gave His Body more good news through His Holy Spirit who spoke through the Apostle Paul.

So, saying that Paul contradicted Jesus is like saying that Jesus contradicted Himself.

Israel`s good news is that Jesus is their Messiah, the Body of Christ`s good news is that Jesus is our Head.