Idea for forum.

I am new here this is my second week.
And as a new person in a group. I guess its my responsibility to come up with ideas and share what would be better.
I don't have any great ideas. I just know, as being new I am supposed to have fully studied the group and now know better then
everyone how to improve it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ( joke )

The truth is, I have not found much I don't like. I actually have used this forum software before. And it was amazing 10 years ago.
And I am in other different group but is are hobby groups that use the same.
I have seen open chat area. But those often times get abused and are hard to moderate.
So I said there is not much I don't like, don't like sounds strong its not issues, just some small things I notice.

Once you are approved you see other private areas . Yet then its hard to recall what those are. There are sometimes I post and I am not sure
if its closed to members or open to the public.

I was looking at the donation system. And had to inquire what service was used. I wonder if making that known might help.
I am very careful about online donations system. And I would not give out a credit card info. So the source was unknown. But most all places state
the options to do so.

Like I said I only noticed these little things no big deal. I have spent allot of time reading past postings.
I do notice there are ppl that seem to join and then do not post. I know when approved I had read the rules and such.
But was not sure where to start. I am pretty familiar with forums having had my own before. And seems that it common
to be disoriented when you join.

I am really liking it here. Its working for what I was hoping for so far.
Good morning, Rooted;

We're happy with your testimony and that you are enjoying fellowship with your new brothers and sisters in Christ here. I am blessed that you are a "joiner" (like to participate) and contribute threads / posts around the forums.

You can enjoy most access around the forums that is open to the membership. When you are logged off or visitors reviewing CFS, they don't have access to areas like Prayer Request or sensitive forums that is open only to logged on active members.

Understandably, there is a closed area only for staff who actively monitor, moderate, administer, process new members and discuss around the clock regarding CFS.

As far as the donations method this can be answered further by staff who handle that area.

Aside from serving as a senior moderator, I log on daily as a time for mostly rest, relax, worship and enjoy the fellowship with our brothers and sisters.

Thank you for your kind words, Rooted, and keep writing. From time to time please review the forum rules (I do often.)

We have visitors from the world wide public who are reading our forums and your threads / posts could very well be ministering to them for God's glory and Kingdom.

God bless you, brother, your family and thank you for being a member at Christian Forum Site.
I was looking at the donation system. And had to inquire what service was used. I wonder if making that known might help.
I am very careful about online donations system. And I would not give out a credit card info. So the source was unknown. But most all places state
the options to do so.
We use the Themehouse Donate Addon to handle all donations. The data isn't stored in any means that anyone has access to, so I know that it's encrypted. That is all I really know. The donations go towards the hosting, operation, and maintenance of the site and nobody here has access to any of the information.

We use the Themehouse Donate Addon to handle all donations. The data isn't stored in any means that anyone has access to, so I know that it's encrypted. That is all I really know. The donations go towards the hosting, operation, and maintenance of the site and nobody here has access to any of the information.

I should clarify I did get a reply but was Paypal they said. But I didn't see it listed saying palpal is why I ended up asking.
So I hesitated at that time being it was not clear how the funds were collected.
I am really heavy on security. So I was thinking just having a paypal logo may help people feel more comfortable when they click donate to know its in a safe system. I didn't click past filling out the form. Because of that part. Probably sounds like I am making a big deal on it. I am not I assure you.
Just my brain is wired to question anything that involves money and is not clear. In no way though am I suggesting its not legit. Being new it was how I saw it. So I wondered if some ppl like me also may hesitate. I worked on email security for a well known company like 15 years ago. And part of what I got paid to do was break their security. So I have this in my head if that make sense. Most places I have donated. Just say click here and paypal. I am sorry, my apologies over explaining it.
I should clarify I did get a reply but was Paypal they said. But I didn't see it listed saying palpal is why I ended up asking.
So I hesitated at that time being it was not clear how the funds were collected.
I am really heavy on security. So I was thinking just having a paypal logo may help people feel more comfortable when they click donate to know its in a safe system. I didn't click past filling out the form. Because of that part. Probably sounds like I am making a big deal on it. I am not I assure you.
Just my brain is wired to question anything that involves money and is not clear. In no way though am I suggesting its not legit. Being new it was how I saw it. So I wondered if some ppl like me also may hesitate. I worked on email security for a well known company like 15 years ago. And part of what I got paid to do was break their security. So I have this in my head if that make sense. Most places I have donated. Just say click here and paypal. I am sorry, my apologies over explaining it.
I know that PayPal is the payment provider, but none of us ever receive any of the funds. We're all volunteers. The owner is Jeffin, but he has just set this site up as a ministry. He is extremely busy now, so he's not directly involved in the daily site discussions anymore. The donations cover the cost of the hosting and software. None of us are paid. We basically just try to keep everything in order so that Christians have a place to chat and share.

Digging through the logs, I can see the username, the name on the PayPal account or the card (not totally sure which), and most of the rest is encrypted. I can see the logs and what information that is sent to PayPal, but it is mostly encrypted. Even the basic transaction data is encrypted, so I don't even know what I could post safely as an example. Besides the owner, I am the only person who can see any of that.
I have seen open chat area. But those often times get abused and are hard to moderate.

Once you are approved you see other private areas . Yet then its hard to recall what those are. There are sometimes I post and I am not sure
if its closed to members or open to the public.

We used to have a few open chat areas, but they were quick trolled and bad actors attempted a wide variety of attacks on the site. Posting isn't available anywhere if you are not a member. If you want to see what is visible to "the public", just log out and take a Quick Look.

I do notice there are ppl that seem to join and then do not post. I know when approved I had read the rules and such.
But was not sure where to start. I am pretty familiar with forums having had my own before. And seems that it common
to be disoriented when you join.

We've been here long enough that we have a pretty extensive history and quite a few threads. It's usually best to just wade in because when new users drag up posts from a decade or two ago, it usually ends up confusing everyone involved. I'm generally not directly involved with individual topics anymore. I'm just here to try to keep everything flowing smoothly...ish.