If Jesus had a mobile phone

Sat in church this morning turning my phone to silent
I wrote the following waiting for the service to start

If Jesus took a selfie…

If Jesus took a selfie
Would you see my face?
Reflected in his image
Reflected in His face?

If Jesus took a selfie
Would your church be in the background ?
Would He be pleased with what He saw?
Would He want to record
The moment
For His photo album
For His ‘Lambs book of Life’

If Jesus took a selfie
Would I dare to go where He was?
Would He be in the middle of
Nobility, royality,
People of self importance,
Or on skid row?
Would He show in the background
Where the need is most,
Or be in the committee room
Making plans?
If Jesus took a selfie
Would you be embarrassed to be included ‘cos of where you were at?

If Jesus took a selfie,
Would He have His hand on my shoulder, smiling
Shaking my hand
saying well done
Good and faithful servant,
This is one for the record
This one’s for my family album
My precious one?

If Jesus took a selfie
Would He be alone?
Would His sacrifice on the cross have been futile?
Would He be standing alone?
Or would He be surrounded in Shekinah Glory,*
The heavenly host,
All the saints gone before
And if you look closely
On the back row
In the corner,

*Shekinah Glory … A visible manifestation of God’s presence amid His people
Great reminder from you Brother that Jesus is always there and sees all things
Thank you