If not for Christ's coming that first Christmas long ago, we would have no victory songs to sing, if not for the Cross we would all be lost in sin and forgotten in the pages of history.
If not for the love of the Father we would not have the one and only begotten son as our Saviour.
If not for God's Grace Calvary's Cross would have brought no Peace, His living Word unspoken, the tomb unopened and the pathway to Heaven unclear, unknown.
If not for a compassionate God life would not be worth living now, our lives lost forever filled with pain and suffering beyond what we could bear.
If not for the King of Kings how would we be forgiven, how would we appease God's conditions decreed on Mt. Sinai long ago.
Thankfully He came, He died and He rose again. HE LIVES FOREVERMORE!
There is only one gift worth opening this Christmas, God's gift of love all wrapped up in Christ's blood.
He is the answer to every question, the voice of one crying out in Wilderness "Come unto Me."
If not for the love of the Father we would not have the one and only begotten son as our Saviour.
If not for God's Grace Calvary's Cross would have brought no Peace, His living Word unspoken, the tomb unopened and the pathway to Heaven unclear, unknown.
If not for a compassionate God life would not be worth living now, our lives lost forever filled with pain and suffering beyond what we could bear.
If not for the King of Kings how would we be forgiven, how would we appease God's conditions decreed on Mt. Sinai long ago.
Thankfully He came, He died and He rose again. HE LIVES FOREVERMORE!
There is only one gift worth opening this Christmas, God's gift of love all wrapped up in Christ's blood.
He is the answer to every question, the voice of one crying out in Wilderness "Come unto Me."