
A strange one this… didn’t know where it was going… or if it even arrived safely ??


If there’s a God
Why did it happen
If there’s a God
Why wasn’t I protected
Why did I have to go through all those happenstances
If there’s a God
Why did it all happen

If there’s a God
Why did I choose the paths I’ve taken
If there’s a God
Why all the destruction
Hell on earth
If there’s a God

If there’s a God
Why did I take the road of destruction
making the same mistakes
With monotonous regularity
If there’s a God
Why didn’t I listen
Deafened by my own illusions
If there’s a God

If there’s a God
Lead me not into temptation
If there’s a God
can I be forgiven
No God … no salvation
Know God… know salvation
If there’s a God

If there’s a God
Take over these early hours doubting
If your listening, God
Take away my doubt and fearing
If there’s a God
The midnight hours not finished
I need to sleep them
If there’s a God…
I need to know Him.

If there’s a God
The Son rose this morning
The bright light
tearing through the vail of darkness, doubt and dissolution
If there’s a God
Take the doubt away
Reveal your self to me
