In the Name of the Lord

For meditation and response as you feel led.

When we pray, just before we close the prayer (often just before the Amen) we often pray "for we ask in Jesus' name".

What does it mean to do something in some other's name?

More specifically, what does it mean to pray in the name of the Lord?

Is there anything else we should do in His name?

Can a proper prayer be in ones' own name? (E. G. a prayer of supplication - asking for ones desires in ones own name rather than asking for something in the Lord's name)

Does the claiming the name of the Lord place any obligation on our self?
More specifically, what does it mean to pray in the name of the Lord?
to me it means we have the authority/ power to overcome. all prayer should be in Jesus name. The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10 its like the city of refuge
to me it means we have the authority/ power to overcome. all prayer should be in Jesus name. The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10 its like the city of refuge
Not to split hairs, but sometimes details are important...
Does this mean that we have authority vested within ourselves, providing that we believe and acknowledge Jesus?
Are our judgement and requests the determining factor?

As in:
Mark 11:24 (NASB)
24 Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.

To give a context, what if sporting teams from two Christian schools meet in competition, and before the game they each pray for their own team to be victorious (and thus vanquish the other team, which also consists of brothers in Christ who pray for the opposite outcome)?

By the way, I know a coach that specificly forbade such team prayers, and asked that each pray to be an asset to their team and be an example to those that watchd from the stands.
Not to split hairs, but sometimes details are important...
Does this mean that we have authority vested within ourselves, providing that we believe and acknowledge Jesus?
we have no authority of ours elf but what is given to us. the Holy Spirit intercedes for us .its all in Jesus name actually i love the book of romans chapter 8
Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.

this sounds so easy it is a promise but sometimes things dont work out the way we asked . its a walk of faith
Praying in Jesus name does not mean saying a prayer using a certain word or phrase. God is only obligated to His Word. We are praying in Jesus name if we are in the context of His Word, then it has to happen. Not saying that God doesn't answer prayers where the motive and objective aren't quite right but that is by sovereign grace not because of the request. Just as we know all healing is of God and yet rank sinners often receive healing.
But if by revelation a petition is made and is being received in the same then nothing can stop it.
Praying in Jesus name does not mean saying a prayer using a certain word or phrase. God is only obligated to His Word. We are praying in Jesus name if we are in the context of His Word, then it has to happen. Not saying that God doesn't answer prayers where the motive and objective aren't quite right but that is by sovereign grace not because of the request. Just as we know all healing is of God and yet rank sinners often receive healing.
But if by revelation a petition is made and is being received in the same then nothing can stop it.
The revelation of how we approach God is in his Word which is through the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ. Bible 101
The revelation of how we approach God is in his Word which is through the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ. Bible 101
Agreed but I wouldn't call it a 101.
I still believe it has to be given, for it also says it is not he that willeth or runneth...
To do something in someones name is to act as their agent in accordance with their nature and will.

In the old radio serials the police would demand entry by saying something like "open up in the name of the law". They were not acting by their own authority, they were claiming that their authority was the law of the society.

To pray in the name of the Lord is to place your thoughts and actions at His command. Having done thus you may lay claim to praying (and acting) by His authority.

Note that this authority never becomes vested in ones self. It remains vested in Christ Jesus. When your will becomes separate from the will of our Lord, that authority vanishes.

Remember that even Jesus was submissive to the will of the Father:

Matthew 26:39 (NASB)
39 And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”

The will of Jesus of Nazareth (by which I mean His human nature) was set aside anf the Fathers will chosen.

We cannot pray in the Name of Christ who surrendered His will without making our requests conditional to the will of the Father.

As far as other things to be done in His name, I would say that EVERYTHING what we do in concert with the will of God is and should be done in His name.

As we recognize that prayer in the Name of Christ is not an order we demand to be obeyed, we can indeed in humility pray for our personal desires. We are not giving orders or otherwise making demands, we are simply making our requests made known. The Lord who knows our hearts knows we are still submissive to him and the Father.

Philippians 4:6 (NASB)
6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
As for does praying in Jesus name obligate us in any way, I would only say that historically, when one claimed to be acting in the name of the sovereign, it was considered treason.

We should act with considered purpose when we claim His authority.
As for does praying in Jesus name obligate us in any way,
many things in prayer i dont fully understand. when we pray for a person to be healed and there not. our mind cant fully understand God ways . so what i do know is scripture says men ought to pray. so i have pray through a lot of things mainly ME . i end my prayers in Jesus name
Does the claiming the name of the Lord place any obligation on our self?
We are obliged to truly have received Him (aka being born again)...

(Joh 1:12) But to all who have received him – those who believe in his name – he has given the right (authority) to become God’s children
I don't know about sporting teams. I expect that in sport you know there will aways be another game you can play next time if you don't win this round. It's not as if the ones that don't win are banished from ever playing again! (so 'vanquishing' is an illusion...unless you actually ARE killing or injuring each other in the field...uh)

I recall that when I entered a team into a sporting contests (ok was a 'Book Battle" but still) we had a prayer for the best outcome. Of course we'd have liked to win but we didn't come anywhere. However, we did win a spot prize!
In Jesus name means in his will and authority...if you serious about your prayer, and you want to see the miracles and results only Jesus can do for you (so it's not about your on strength, it's on His) then you request this. Using Jesus name does not GUARANTEE a prayer will be answered (or not in the way we might expect) but it will be heard.

It's kind of like putting a stamp on a letter. If you don't do this it won't be delivered. Unless you personally deliver it yourself, but we aren't living in heaven right now.