"In the Spirit"

Indentured Servant

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We are instructed to pray "in the Spirit."

Jesus mentioned that David was "in the Spirit" when he wrote Psalm 110.

John wrote that he was "in the Spirit," in his visions.

I am not looking for a "right answer." I am genuinely interested in knowing what what each of you, in your own words and understanding, think the phrase "in the spirit" means, how it's achieved, what your personal experiences have been, etc.

I ask that you not provide scripture references... I want personal perspectives and experiences (if scripture helps you to articulate your experience, or thoughts, please feel free to mention it).

Thank you I'm advance for responding. I won't tell you that you're right or wrong, I just enjoy hearing everyone's thoughts.
I ask that you not provide scripture references..
i use scripture references other wise its just me praying in the spirit is one led of the spirit allowing the spirit to make intercession . i believe He will give us the utterance to say jude says building up your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost jude 20 . each person will probably give a different reply . if were led and walking in the spirit we will pray right... BTW the greatest prayer is Lord Help Me . you pray that you prayed right

Jesus mentioned that David was "in the Spirit" when he wrote Psalm 110.

the entire bible is wrote by inspiration
10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, 11 saying, [a]“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches [b]which are in Asia: to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.”

Romans 8:26-27​

New King James Version​

26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession [a]for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
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We are instructed to pray "in the Spirit."

Jesus mentioned that David was "in the Spirit" when he wrote Psalm 110.

John wrote that he was "in the Spirit," in his visions.

I am not looking for a "right answer." I am genuinely interested in knowing what what each of you, in your own words and understanding, think the phrase "in the spirit" means, how it's achieved, what your personal experiences have been, etc.

I ask that you not provide scripture references... I want personal perspectives and experiences (if scripture helps you to articulate your experience, or thoughts, please feel free to mention it).

Thank you I'm advance for responding. I won't tell you that you're right or wrong, I just enjoy hearing everyone's thoughts.
I pray in the Spirit each day when I have my morning devotions. That's what makes my personal time with the Father special; we communicate by means of the Holy Spirit.
We are instructed to pray "in the Spirit." I am not looking for a "right answer." I am genuinely interested in knowing what what each of you, in your own words and understanding, think the phrase "in the spirit" means, how it's achieved, what your personal experiences have been, etc.
Hello Indentured Servant;

Thank you for asking an excellent question, one that encourages me to ponder and share my testimony.

"In the Spirit" indwelt in me is not "off and on" but constant. This is (achieved) or an ongoing progress in my desire to grow in my relationship with Jesus. "In the Spirit" guides me in every circumstance and I'll give examples;

When interfacing with people daily whether my spouse, someone I know or someone who crosses my path for the first time or logging on to CFS, the Spirit prompts me to approach each one with the Love of God instead of looking for a motive for confrontation or contention.

When I pray, instead of grumbling to God within my flesh, or when a prayer is answered yes or no by God, the Spirit allows me to
"receive" the outcome instead of reacting.

The Spirit
convicts me when I sin and cannot shake it off because I know better and need to confess and repent.

After college, when I entered my first full time job in 1977, the Spirit empowered me to remain a steady worker for 21 years. I was grateful but was never fulfilled with my job until the Lord called me in 1998 to enter the ministry.

None of these have been easy, some have been very tough. But in my prayers the Spirit intercedes and conveys my prayers to God who always knows me ahead of myself, and has remained faithful, even when God says NO.

God bless
you, Indentured Servant, and thank you for sharing this topic.

Have you had the experience that when you (for example) are reading scripture and of a sudden it opens up for you. You may weep, feel intense gratification or just amazement. How ever it comes you respond in like manner - entering into the Spirit. Of course it has to line up with scripture - the flip side might be, somebody does you wrong and you might have strange urge 'to get even' or what ever.
There are only two powers working in this world we are subject to one or the other...
Have you had the experience that when you (for example) are reading scripture and of a sudden it opens up for you. You may weep, feel intense gratification or just amazement. How ever it comes you respond in like manner - entering into the Spirit. Of course it has to line up with scripture - the flip side might be, somebody does you wrong and you might have strange urge 'to get even' or what ever.
There are only two powers working in this world we are subject to one or the other...
When going about my daily business I sometimes get my conscience pricked for something I've said or thought that is unbecoming for an ambassador of Christ, or I might be urged to go talk to someone about something or to do something to brighten the day of a stranger. If we keep our hearts focused upon Jesus, the Spirit will always be present within us to guide our activities.
i use scripture references other wise its just me praying in the spirit is one led of the spirit allowing the spirit to make intercession . i believe He will give us the utterance to say jude says building up your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost jude 20 . each person will probably give a different reply . if were led and walking in the spirit we will pray right... BTW the greatest prayer is Lord Help Me . you pray that you prayed right

the entire bible is wrote by inspiration
10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, 11 saying, [a]“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches [b]which are in Asia: to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.”

Romans 8:26-27​

New King James Version​

26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession [a]for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God
Thank you for responding. Answering with scripture is fine, I only said that because I was interested in hearing what being in the Spirit meant in your own words. You were very thorough, and certainly expressed your answer well using scripture.
When going about my daily business I sometimes get my conscience pricked for something I've said or thought that is unbecoming for an ambassador of Christ, or I might be urged to go talk to someone about something or to do something to brighten the day of a stranger. If we keep our hearts focused upon Jesus, the Spirit will always be present within us to guide our activities.
Awesome. Kind of like "praying without ceasing..." Always keeping your spirit active & aware to respond.
My being somewhat of an empath, I find it easier to bring a smile to someone than to walk away knowing/feeling their pain or anxiety.
Hello Indentured Servant;

Thank you for asking an excellent question, one that encourages me to ponder and share my testimony.

"In the Spirit" indwelt in me is not "off and on" but constant. This is (achieved) or an ongoing progress in my desire to grow in my relationship with Jesus. "In the Spirit" guides me in every circumstance and I'll give examples;

When interfacing with people daily whether my spouse, someone I know or someone who crosses my path for the first time or logging on to CFS, the Spirit prompts me to approach each one with the Love of God instead of looking for a motive for confrontation or contention.

When I pray, instead of grumbling to God within my flesh, or when a prayer is answered yes or no by God, the Spirit allows me to
"receive" the outcome instead of reacting.

The Spirit
convicts me when I sin and cannot shake it off because I know better and need to confess and repent.

After college, when I entered my first full time job in 1977, the Spirit empowered me to remain a steady worker for 21 years. I was grateful but was never fulfilled with my job until the Lord called me in 1998 to enter the ministry.

None of these have been easy, some have been very tough. But in my prayers the Spirit intercedes and conveys my prayers to God who always knows me ahead of myself, and has remained faithful, even when God says NO.

God bless
you, Indentured Servant, and thank you for sharing this topic.

Wonderful testimony. Thank you for sharing. In reading your response, I remembered times when I struggled, and, without "consciously" praying, I could feel the result of an unspoken prayer.
Have you had the experience that when you (for example) are reading scripture and of a sudden it opens up for you. You may weep, feel intense gratification or just amazement. How ever it comes you respond in like manner - entering into the Spirit. Of course it has to line up with scripture - the flip side might be, somebody does you wrong and you might have strange urge 'to get even' or what ever.
There are only two powers working in this world we are subject to one or the other...

Good morning, 2404;

Yes, brother, all of the above. Here's another one; I shudder everytime I read how God addresses Job in Job 38:41

God bless you, 2404.
Amen, His ways are unfathomable.
We are sooo governed by our sense experiences. If we would only stand on the Word. Reading in Acts 20: 24 this morning Paul says "None of these things move me,". To my shame I am moved much to easily. Let something happen and right away a person gets on the band wagon instead of holding stead by the Word.
How thankful I am that it is not by my righteousness...
And, all is well for the footsteps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord and ALL things work together to the good.
depending on who you ask will be the type answer you get . the spirit dwells in us if we have not the spirit then we have none of him. to many out there think there are some type actions with being in the spirit
You've presented an interesting new facet to this.
Do you suppose that, even though the Spirit is in us, that we, as physical beings (and not inherently Spirit), can go about our day without being conscious of being in the Spirit? If so, how would one perceive, or experience, returning to that conscious and active state of operating in the Spirit?
As an example, if someone in whom the Spirit resides is watching a sitcom, playing cards, or conversing about a favorite sport, is that person still "in the Spirit" when conducting daily activities that aren't about God?
Spirit), can go about our day without being conscious of being in the Spirit
i am sure but it would be difficult. paul wrote quench not the spirit . in this not being conscience can be a fine line either so far gone or possibly not saved , once again there can be many answers to this o.t the spirit came upon example Samson when he finally gave in to the woman on his secret to his strength not cutting his hair, in the Long run it cost him his life as a martyr.

there is chastisement (consequences ) ignoring the spirit. we all probably have for a period of time .

if someone in whom the Spirit resides is watching a sitcom, playing cards, or conversing about a favorite sport, is that person still "in the Spirit" when conducting daily activities that aren't about God?

once again lets not forget Chastisement there can come a time being turned over to a reprobate mind , these questions can get into doctrinal belief we know when we are in the wrong . if we say the Lord does not chastise us then we become a illegitimate child . its rather Funny how we make a our list of Sins . James writes to him who knows to do good and dont is a sin...... :eek: so sin is missing the mark . what mark? the high calling of God. a message God gave me last Sunday on what does God want me to do? think about it in micah the answer was given he has showed the o man .

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? break this down do a check list of each thing.. then ask am i doing what i could, example in mark the woman who broke open the alabaster box and poured it over his head, several said this was a waste of money ,it could been used help the poor. and yes in the natural it could have ,

jesus said 6 But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7 For fyou always have the poor with you, and whenever gyou want, you can do good for them. But hyou will not always have me. 8 iShe has done what she could; of course the lead complainer was Judas but the others soon got on board.. the did not see with there spiritual eyes .. so ask ours elves what do we see that mary seen. something to think about
i am sure but it would be difficult. paul wrote quench not the spirit . in this not being conscience can be a fine line either so far gone or possibly not saved , once again there can be many answers to this o.t the spirit came upon example Samson when he finally gave in to the woman on his secret to his strength not cutting his hair, in the Long run it cost him his life as a martyr.

there is chastisement (consequences ) ignoring the spirit. we all probably have for a period of time .

once again lets not forget Chastisement there can come a time being turned over to a reprobate mind , these questions can get into doctrinal belief we know when we are in the wrong . if we say the Lord does not chastise us then we become a illegitimate child . its rather Funny how we make a our list of Sins . James writes to him who knows to do good and dont is a sin...... :eek: so sin is missing the mark . what mark? the high calling of God. a message God gave me last Sunday on what does God want me to do? think about it in micah the answer was given he has showed the o man .

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? break this down do a check list of each thing.. then ask am i doing what i could, example in mark the woman who broke open the alabaster box and poured it over his head, several said this was a waste of money ,it could been used help the poor. and yes in the natural it could have ,

jesus said 6 But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7 For fyou always have the poor with you, and whenever gyou want, you can do good for them. But hyou will not always have me. 8 iShe has done what she could; of course the lead complainer was Judas but the others soon got on board.. the did not see with there spiritual eyes .. so ask ours elves what do we see that mary seen. something to think about
I started to mention "quenching the Spirit," but you are on top of it!
You also cited my life verse, (and high school graduation theme), Micah 6:8.

I agree that, at some point, God has to see us as not really being able to maintain our spiritual connection... I believe that you articulated that in the mention of "turning one over to a reprobate mind." (Correcte if I'm wrong in restating what you said)

Great scriptural support to backup your thoughts.

Oh, and I agree that sometimes we can get tripped up in doctrinal differences... I think you cleared that hurdle.

I'd love to hear others share their understanding(s) of this. Thank you for your valuable experience and input.