
I wanted to share something that I’ve touched on before concerning the omniscience of God. I believe His foreknowledge of all things supplies answers to learning His Word more than any other concept! For example, since He knew man would choose to sin and that He would allow it, I find no confirming refutation to consider against the idea that this is how He chose to begin manifesting Himself and teaching His mind. Thus, it wasn’t that man wasn’t supposed to sin, because He knew He would be using it to manifest His Holiness. So, His commands manifest right and wrong (Gen 2:16, 17), which leads to manifesting good and evil (Gen 3:7).

Thus, I believe it was God’s way for us to experience Himself—by us experiencing that which is antithetical to His divine nature. It’s difficult for me to think that, how this life transpires, is not God’s choice concerning its occurrences (all for learning). Nothing happens without Him first allowing it to take place (or He could have chosen a different way). Even though it is not His desire that most will not choose His way (Mat 7:13, 14), His will (not His desire - 1Ti 2:4; 2Pe 3:9) for the lost is that they be resurrected unto damnation, and the saved unto life; neither of which can be altered (Jhn 5:28, 29)!

I’ve come to experience peace in everything occurring in believing His controlling hand is orchestrating the outcomes all that transpires to “work for good,” especially using evil to manifest good! Therefore I have learned that even if the concept herein discussed were not true, it supplies great encouragement for me to learn from God that this is His will for man to use in choosing which way we want to go—His way or not.

For many years now I have been using this as truth and it has been most encouraging to in manifesting my love for God, by willingly enduring the infirmities of possessing the sin nature, in order that His nature be manifested! Believers in Christ are no longer in the old man (Rom 8:9), and though it is in them and yet effects them, they are not considered in it, which answers to Paul’s declaration, “it is no more I that do it,” (Rom 7:17, 20) because it is the “old man” who is doing it (at the root, desiring it). We continue to see God’s nature when we see the contrast and effects of the old nature. But what matters now is that we are not our old nature but our new nature! The Spirit—via using the Life of Christ and our new nature keeps those reborn from ever again desiring evil (though we still see the desires of the old nature), shown in the lifestyle of no longer “sinning willfully” (Heb 10:26).

“I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom 8:18).

Yes, it is beyond expressing the worth of living His way now, in order to live His way latter!