Inspiration for Week of September 15 to 21, 2024

Pastor Gary

Senior Moderator and Staff Trainer
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Staff Trainer
Good Day, Friends; Even before we start a new family, we should think about how our children will be raised, cared for and educated. We always wish to provide for our children in the best way that we can. This is what God expects of us, as HIS children. His examples, as found in God's Word, should be our guide to provide a proper family environment.

The Book of Isaiah 54:13 tells us, "And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children."
These days, all too many times, we see children being ‘raised’ in school rather than at home, because parents have no godly values themselves and are too busy with their social and work lives to properly take care of their children.

With the permissiveness, political agenda and lack of Christian Values present in today’s schools, is it any wonder that some children these days are troubled and conflicted? Bringing Christian values back into the family and teaching kids properly will allow them to be stable adults and role models for their own children.
May God Bless.

Good morning, Pastor Gary;

This gave me time for reflection. Had our son lived after birth in 1985 chances are we would have remained in San Diego. We would have raised, cared for and educated him, no doubt the best we could during those challenging times.

I was 28 and my wife was 27 in 1985. Our faith as young adults was at a different stage. His education would have been public because I have seen too many good children become grounded in public society and most likely would have attended a major college at his choosing.

But how would his education impact our son in his choices, his faith, career field and future raising of his own family?

Of course my thoughts are what they are today. But back then in my late 20s, the combination of my faith and parenting left me pondering.

God bless you, Gary, and thank you for sharing.