Is My Mind and Thoughts My Worst Enemy?


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Hello brothers and sisters;

I noticed that in my personal reading there are many subjects about thoughts that get filled with negativity, worry, self-consciousness, low self esteem, doom and gloom, the list goes on and on. This includes song and poetry. People can relate to these negative thoughts especially in a song. They relate to it so much they play the song over and over or re-read the poem.

For years I had bouts of negative, unhappy thoughts when I woke up in the mornings. They were the worst. I would ignore it and get prayed up. What I overlooked was being defiant in spiritual battle. Problem was I would carry this baggage into my marriage, workplace and any other areas that surrounded people.

Around 2001 during that horrible terrorist attack of 911, watching on TV two hijacked planes crash into the Twin Towers in New York, hearing about the third plane striking the Pentagon in Washington DC and the 4th plane crashing in Pennsylvania killing all the passengers; in New York about 3000 died.

I pondered about this kind of destruction and loss of life that was happening around the world. I realized the United States wasn't exempt nor invincible and, BOOM! We were attacked in one day. This was a wake up call for me.

It was during this time I began to deal with my own spiritual battles in the morning, only my dark thoughts were not hurting anyone outside but myself. This led me to confess to God my trial of desperation and added it to my morning prayers.

I didn't hear an audible but felt in my heart I began to realize
"these thoughts were not coming from God." But I didn't know how to battle this darkness. Then in my heart I felt led to go to certain Scriptures;

Romans 6:6, 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin—

Romans 7:24-25, 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin. - ESV

Colossians 1:21-22, 21 And you, who once were estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable before him, - RSV

Galatians 5:16, 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. - KJV

Growing up I was always capable of getting along with others and being happy. But even with this disposition of myself, I wasn't strong enough to overcome my weaknesses.

These Scriptures pointed to
sin and evil, but offered God's way out for me. These thoughts that I battled was spiritual warfare. The thoughts didn't bless me. They hindered my spirit.

There is an evil one called Satan. He is very real and devious. He will use whatever measures to distract us and remain in sin without knowing it. Our negative mind and thoughts are
not from God.

God's Word in Scripture filled my heart to aid me in the battle. As long as we live in sin, Satan is not threatened, however, he is threatened by every believer who follows Jesus and desiring to avoid sin.

God always had the power to overcome Satan and He has empowered us to rebuke the devil.

Zechariah 3:2, 2 The Lord said to Satan: “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! May the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Isn’t this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

James 4:7, 7 Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you. - NASB

This was 25 years ago. God has been faithful and my wake ups in the morning are less intense. This enables me to enjoy my prayers with God. Yes, I still have my share of challenges in life but have grown more confident in God's protection over my mind, spirit and flesh, no matter what I'm faced with.

On a personal note, I desire to enjoy my life with my Lord and Savior, my wife Hazel, and everything God sets in front of me.

If you are battling the same thing and struggle overcoming this principality of darkness, I am praying for
you, brothers and sisters, and assure you there is a way out by going immediately to Him in prayer and choosing to set our minds on the things of God.

God bless
you all.
Good afternoon Bob... This topic is one that seems especially prevalent today... but it has been just as prevalent in all other times in history. People have dealt with the issue of sin and the battlefield of our thoughts sin Adam and Eve.

Sometimes I think people give too much credit to satan... and other times... not enough. There seems to be a lot of error in the definition of what satan can and cannot do.

Some very bad teaching has come out of these HUGE mega churches in the last oh lets say 50 years... which has added to the mis-information on spiritual warfare simply being mind over matter... and lack of faith.

Our battle is real.... our enemy is real... and our GOD is VICTORIOUS.

The BIGGEST weapon against spiritual warfare in my opinion is GRATITUDE and THANKSGIVING.

If we awake... every morning with the DISCLAIMER that GOD is GOOD...and WORTHY of ALL our PRAISE... no matter the situation... we have thus the ANSWER to EVERY single dilemma that might hit us.

I have experienced that depending on GOD being WHO HE SAYS HE IS... truly solves all my problems and dilemmas. I have heard you say on several occasions that you take a daily inventory of yourself/your heart. This is such a WISE thing to do because I believe it detects and arrests when our minds/thoughts are about to go down the rabbit hole of lies.

God bless you for writing this Bob. I think since my healing three years ago... my entire life has shifted completely to PRAISE and THANKSGIVING MODE for all things.... no matter what. That sound simplistic but it really does work for me.

I have often thought.... what happens if I get sick again?? Would I be able to handle it? I think I would because I do not praise God because HE gives me things.... I praise God because HE is ALMIGHTY and most WORTHY of all my praise.

Knowing who we are in CHRIST is the KEY to fighting our battles. So many who are plagued with fears and anxieties do not quite understand the POWER they have in their CHRISTIAN IDENTITY.
Good afternoon Bob... This topic is one that seems especially prevalent today... but it has been just as prevalent in all other times in history. People have dealt with the issue of sin and the battlefield of our thoughts sin Adam and Eve.

Sometimes I think people give too much credit to satan... and other times... not enough. There seems to be a lot of error in the definition of what satan can and cannot do.

Some very bad teaching has come out of these HUGE mega churches in the last oh lets say 50 years... which has added to the mis-information on spiritual warfare simply being mind over matter... and lack of faith.

Our battle is real.... our enemy is real... and our GOD is VICTORIOUS.

The BIGGEST weapon against spiritual warfare in my opinion is GRATITUDE and THANKSGIVING.

If we awake... every morning with the DISCLAIMER that GOD is GOOD...and WORTHY of ALL our PRAISE... no matter the situation... we have thus the ANSWER to EVERY single dilemma that might hit us.

I have experienced that depending on GOD being WHO HE SAYS HE IS... truly solves all my problems and dilemmas. I have heard you say on several occasions that you take a daily inventory of yourself/your heart. This is such a WISE thing to do because I believe it detects and arrests when our minds/thoughts are about to go down the rabbit hole of lies.

God bless you for writing this Bob. I think since my healing three years ago... my entire life has shifted completely to PRAISE and THANKSGIVING MODE for all things.... no matter what. That sound simplistic but it really does work for me.

I have often thought.... what happens if I get sick again?? Would I be able to handle it? I think I would because I do not praise God because HE gives me things.... I praise God because HE is ALMIGHTY and most WORTHY of all my praise.

Knowing who we are in CHRIST is the KEY to fighting our battles. So many who are plagued with fears and anxieties do not quite understand the POWER they have in their CHRISTIAN IDENTITY.

When I think of satan and the darkness.
To be 100% honest, I do not fear satan, I fear my own sinful weak self.
I will be a sinful being until I die. I think of satan like these scamming telemarketers or Nigerian Prince scams.
Will lie, cheat and steal to get me to listen. I hear satan I can feel the darkness even after all this years.
The difference is satan is to me like and annoying fly buzzing around my head. Why GOD is this massive 12foot high lion.
Who roars his words loud and clear. Yes satan is powerful in some ways. But when compared to God.
A fly is no match for a lion. But I will not allow satan's grip. its not worth the pain it brings.

The issues that you speak of I have seen way to much of. Need to be saved? For 6 monthly payments of only $19.99
you to can be forgiven.
I think scripture is and amazing tool for life. But taking out of context is what I see allot of. And by doing so leaves the door open for attack.

I need to know a few things, and really the rest of the Bible just reenforces this:

God created everything, from nothing. We know this from scripture. So who created God? God was not created. God is outside of out creation.
So how do we comprehend this? My Dog Patches. ( I love him so much 3yrs old) is so sweet and loves us as we do him.
He jokes around, is silly, happy, sad, mad. He can feel near everything I can. But there is one thing he does not understand.
And it is the hardest thing a dog has to endure. Is they are not self are. They enjoy the environment with us. They do not know why they breath, or how. They just do. They are not sure where we go when we leave. We just do. This disconnect makes it hard for them to understand us.
How God is able to do these things is that simple. We Can not explain God existence. And more then a we can explain to a Dog they exist.
This is how I know what the bible says is true because our own creation of ourselves and animals. Proves there can be a nothing to create from.

2. Jesus rose from the dead, and died for our sins.
This story is told accurately by sources all over the known worlds. Perspective.
As Bob was mentioning 9/11. How many of us can recollect pretty well 9/11 or even the Civil War.
In less time then the civil war was to us now these accounts were written and would be closer then the Vietnam war was to us now.
And all these written accounts. Yes I know Jesus is Lord. Just like I know Lincoln was President yet I never of him for a hundred years later when I was born.

3. How do I know God is good. Because Good has no meaning without evil. And without satan?
There would be no evil. So Good exists because of God, therefore evil also exists. You can not have one without the other.

I do not need a Gut feeling to know these things. I think that these base structures are some of the most important tools we have.
of course I am using metaphors and analogies. Only because explaining these facts is not hard.
Once we accept Christ these words start to really make sense. Sure its confusing before. Kinda like learning sign language.
I only know a few gestured that I usually see communicated to me when driving my SUV. But once you learn sign. You can see it clear across a crowded room.

Thats all I got thank you both for sharing :) I love this group. :)
How do I know God is good. Because Good has no meaning without evil. And without satan?
There would be no evil.
So Good exists because of God, therefore evil also exists. You can not have one without the other.
Of course you are not saying satan is eternal, are you? Since there was a time satan didn't exist and was created, so before satan existed there was no evil.
In God there is no evil or darkness or shadow in turning.
we are all a work in progress as long as we acknowledge faults / sins and are conscience to the fact. that is the key when we get to the point it no LONGER bothers us our conscience has been seared 3 enemies of our soul world flesh Satan. our growth in Christ never stops and the devil never stops or lets up...
Hello brothers and sisters;

I noticed that in my personal reading there are many subjects about thoughts that get filled with negativity, worry, self-consciousness, low self esteem, doom and gloom, the list goes on and on. This includes song and poetry. People can relate to these negative thoughts especially in a song. They relate to it so much they play the song over and over or re-read the poem.

For years I had bouts of negative, unhappy thoughts when I woke up in the mornings. They were the worst. I would ignore it and get prayed up. What I overlooked was being defiant in spiritual battle. Problem was I would carry this baggage into my marriage, workplace and any other areas that surrounded people.

Around 2001 during that horrible terrorist attack of 911, watching on TV two hijacked planes crash into the Twin Towers in New York, hearing about the third plane striking the Pentagon in Washington DC and the 4th plane crashing in Pennsylvania killing all the passengers; in New York about 3000 died.

I pondered about this kind of destruction and loss of life that was happening around the world. I realized the United States wasn't exempt nor invincible and, BOOM! We were attacked in one day. This was a wake up call for me.

It was during this time I began to deal with my own spiritual battles in the morning, only my dark thoughts were not hurting anyone outside but myself. This led me to confess to God my trial of desperation and added it to my morning prayers.

I didn't hear an audible but felt in my heart I began to realize
"these thoughts were not coming from God." But I didn't know how to battle this darkness. Then in my heart I felt led to go to certain Scriptures;

Romans 6:6, 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin—

Romans 7:24-25, 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin. - ESV

Colossians 1:21-22, 21 And you, who once were estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable before him, - RSV

Galatians 5:16, 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. - KJV

Growing up I was always capable of getting along with others and being happy. But even with this disposition of myself, I wasn't strong enough to overcome my weaknesses.

These Scriptures pointed to
sin and evil, but offered God's way out for me. These thoughts that I battled was spiritual warfare. The thoughts didn't bless me. They hindered my spirit.

There is an evil one called Satan. He is very real and devious. He will use whatever measures to distract us and remain in sin without knowing it. Our negative mind and thoughts are
not from God.

God's Word in Scripture filled my heart to aid me in the battle. As long as we live in sin, Satan is not threatened, however, he is threatened by every believer who follows Jesus and desiring to avoid sin.

God always had the power to overcome Satan and He has empowered us to rebuke the devil.

Zechariah 3:2, 2 The Lord said to Satan: “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! May the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Isn’t this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

James 4:7, 7 Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you. - NASB

This was 25 years ago. God has been faithful and my wake ups in the morning are less intense. This enables me to enjoy my prayers with God. Yes, I still have my share of challenges in life but have grown more confident in God's protection over my mind, spirit and flesh, no matter what I'm faced with.

On a personal note, I desire to enjoy my life with my Lord and Savior, my wife Hazel, and everything God sets in front of me.

If you are battling the same thing and struggle overcoming this principality of darkness, I am praying for
you, brothers and sisters, and assure you there is a way out by going immediately to Him in prayer and choosing to set our minds on the things of God.

God bless
you all.
Really good there bob, so agree. And like `In awe,` it is thanksgiving that helps renew our minds.

`And do not be conformed to this world (system), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.` (Rom. 12: 2)
Of course you are not saying satan is eternal, are you? Since there was a time satan didn't exist and was created, so before satan existed there was no evil.
In God there is no evil or darkness or shadow in turning.
Well of course. Good exist because God exist. This is the Ying and Yang of where we are.
I try and keep it s simple.
But sure I can go the long variation :) Lets take a walk shall we......

1. God's Creation of Good
The Bible consistently affirms that God is the source of all goodness, and what He creates is inherently good.

Genesis 1:31 – "God saw all that He had made, and it was very good."
In the beginning, everything God created was good, including humanity. There was no evil in the original creation.
Psalm 100:5 – "For the Lord is good and His love endures forever."
God's nature is inherently good, and His creation reflects His character.

2. Did God Create Evil.

The Bible does not depict God as the creator of evil in the same way that He created good. Instead, evil is often understood as the result of rebellion against God, a departure from the good that He created. This is how the Ying Yang I speak of.

Evil as a Corruption of Good:Evil is often seen as a distortion or corruption of the good that God created. Instead of being something God actively created, it entered the world through the misuse of human free will. So Good has to be created so Evil was able to exist. Which is what I was translating in short.

Genesis 3: The fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden introduces sin and evil into the world. Adam and Eve, exercising their free will, disobey God, leading to the corruption of creation. This story explains how evil came into the world, not because God created it, but because humans chose to turn away from God’s perfect goodness.
Isaiah 45:7 (KJV) – "I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil; I the Lord do all these things."

In some translations, this verse seems to say that God creates evil. However, the Hebrew word translated as "evil" in the King James Version can also be understood as "calamity" or "disaster" (in other translations, such as the NIV). This verse refers more to God allowing or ordaining disasters or judgments in the course of history rather than moral evil.Amos 3:6 also uses a similar concept, where God is said to allow calamity or disaster for His purposes, especially in the context of judgment or discipline. These are not moral evils but acts of judgment to correct or redirect humanity.
We should note here, that in the Greek Concordance it also appears in more casual or to do harm to that is translated to evil.
Good also has meanings of wordage as in excellent, or to have completed well done.
But we have translated words to be shorter in to Good and Evil. But in scripture The explanation in Greek the wording is longer to explain and a deed accomplished to benefit/Good. Where as the trans for evil is more direct in referring mostly to harm and ill will.

3. God’s Sovereignty Over Evil

While God did not create evil, He is sovereign over all things and can use even evil for His purposes, without being the direct author of it. This is seen in several places in the Bible:

Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
Joseph’s brothers acted with evil intentions, but God used their actions to bring about good. This demonstrates that God can bring good from evil situations.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
Even in a world where evil exists, God can work through it to fulfill His purposes and bring about good.

Conclusion I come up with is:​

The Bible teaches that God created everything good. Evil, however, is not something that God directly created in the same way. Rather, evil is often seen as a result of the misuse of free will—both by humans (in the fall) and by Satan. While God is sovereign and allows evil for a time, ( not eternal which also means satan would also not be eternal as this is the source)
He is working toward the ultimate defeat of evil and the restoration of good in His plan of redemption.

Sorry for the late reply, we had a death in the family today. But wanted to make sure I am clear on what is scripture.
You will all have to forgive my casual approach. My service is often with those that are addicts, homeless etc.

And keeping things direct and simple and then answering questions is aways what has worked for me.
But feel free anytime to ask me to draft out where I am coming from. That is where I was called to serve so I forget that some are using much more formal presentations in service. Again my apologies.
Lets take a walk shall we......
OK, let's..
The Bible consistently affirms that God is the source of all goodness, and what He creates is inherently good.
Agreed up until the Fall.
The Bible does not depict God as the creator of evil in the same way that He created good. Instead, evil is often understood as the result of rebellion against God, a departure from the good that He created.
Again, agreed..
This is how the Ying Yang I speak of.
In my bc days, Yin Yang was part of my Zen practice and had nothing to do with biblical truth.
While God did not create evil, He is sovereign over all things and can use even evil for His purposes, without being the direct author of it.
So true.
he Bible teaches that God created everything good. Evil, however, is not something that God directly created in the same way. Rather, evil is often seen as a result of the misuse of free will—both by humans (in the fall) and by Satan. While God is sovereign and allows evil for a time, ( not eternal which also means satan would also not be eternal as this is the source)
Also true. I was just questioning earlier your statement in. post #3, "You can not have one without the other".
maybe it was unclear if you were referring to good/evil; God/satan?
Sorry for the late reply, we had a death in the family today.
my condolences, does the situation need prayer?
You will all have to forgive my casual approach. My service is often with those that are addicts, homeless etc.
Those who know me know I'm quite casual but blunt. I too was a live-in counselor in a halfway home for addicts, homeless and directionless men for about 12 years.
And keeping things direct and simple and then answering questions is aways what has worked for me.
Yes, I have a distrust for long and windy answers. (A sign the person is not well acquainted with his/her material).

I know it's a strange place to say 'welcome to CFS', and I hope to have some fruitful discussions in the future. :)
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OK, let's..

Agreed up until the Fall.

Again, agreed..

In my bc days, Yin Yang was part of my Zen practice and had nothing to do with biblical truth.

So true.

Also true. I was just questioning earlier your statement in. post #3, "You can not have one without the other".
maybe it was unclear if you were referring to good/evil; God/satan?

my condolences, does the situation need prayer?

Those who know me know I'm quite casual but blunt. I too was a live-in counselor in a halfway home for addicts, homeless and directionless men for about 12 years.

Yes, I have a distrust for long and windy answers. (A sign the person is not well acquainted with his/her material).

I know it's a strange place to say 'welcome to CFS', and I hope to have some fruitful discussions in the future. :)

Seems our past have crossed similar paths. :) I do not pretend to be something I am not.

I have had to study allot to trust Gods word and promise. Oh I know many accept Jesus as their savior. But I do not think most just hop on the Christ Saving bus and have smooth ride to salvation. I have a huge distrust for Megachurches because of this over the years. Lots of talk lots of air time. Lots of cash.
My life was in a different light so why I try and memorize I am not as gifted as yourself.
A thought passes me as I remember.
I was in my office at the recovery center. I got a call one night 10:30pm, the main Doctor who over saw the facility called that a client that had graduated, overdosed and died earlier that day. (And Because of my own Alcoholism, in my past as well as my father who died at 59 from it. ) But because I was the Pastor there, my responsibility was to call the parents. This was the first and would not be the last.
Their daughter was saved. And I had to have the talk. Things like this near break me over time. I have seen more of this then I like. Also being homeless a few times as you probably know. I lived their pain even though I gave it to God it hits hard.
My Granddaughter is 7 . Yesterday we talked also about good and evil. I did so in a way that helps her understand.
My son 29 very hard for him to understand God, because he has autism. So I speak with him in a way that works.
I can not apologies for the way I do things. For its how it gets the message.

So I truly envy your wisdom, and energy to battle. I have been battling since I was 16 I am tired. I do not mean this in the physical sense.
My soul is tired. So I will at times say something. Ying and Yang. Its a flipped saying. I am as well aware that its not biblical.
Do I know how to battle for God, yes I do. And I will do so when needed. Even in the event a question is nudged as you did.

I do not take offense of being questioned, we are to do so. The scriptures even speak of this. So it is your duty to do so.
But I am tired. Not asleep. :) I do not casually state the words out of disrespect. I do so because its how my brain works with others.
Today only about 15% of the addicts we saw over the years are still alive. This eats away watching the pain. It is very hard to reach and addict and then drag up biblical accuracy's in language. I would rather have them know that there is Good and Evil they do exist and there is Salvation.
I will get scripture over time. In this group I am under the impression most are not pastors but are people looking to make sense.

You are all getting to know me, and I get it. But my sword is sharpened. I only hope and pray I will have your energy and foresight to do what is needed in the coming times. But I am saved, by the Lords gift. I am grateful. I am not afraid to die. Not anymore.

I seldom do get along super well with Pastors, even though I have the education and standing. I look at it different.
Its who I am. I can not change that. But what I do know. Is people that meet me. Know, I believe 100% I am saved.
I love God as much as I can love anything. I feel in debt even though the price was paid. I want to be the person that can be worthy
of his grace. I fall short, we all do. That is why the pain in life is worth it. I can never pay for what I have.

So yes, I may not be always Biblically sound in everything I say and do. And it will surely not meet the snuff of those that can
work day in and out to have the words on speed dial. I am just a humble man, a servant if he lets me.
But that is the person that joined here. Sinful, flawed and tired. But my sword is sharp.
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Really good there bob, so agree. And like `In awe,` it is thanksgiving that helps renew our minds. `And do not be conformed to this world (system), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.` (Rom. 12: 2)

Good evening, brothers and sisters;

I wanted to highlight what Marilyn posted as an example of everyone's posts in this topic. Each one of us brought a salt and light of truth in the mix of personal testimonies and thoughts, lessons, and God's deliverance in the conversation.

What I shared in my early post are not "quick fix solutions" of the evil attacks in our minds and spirits. The Bible does reveal that some of us will battle this area in our daily walk with Christ. The Bible also guides us when we face the spiritual battle and how God can make a way out for us but there are lessons for each of us to take heed.

Jesus was the Master of healing. He began with prayer which is an act of thanksgiving. He constantly prayed for others and gave thanks to the Father for others who crossed His path.

Jesus teaches us to listen to the suffering which is an act of thankgsgiving. We will see in Scripture the Lord spent more time asking questions than giving answers. The sufferers saw the love of Christ because listening showed He truly was giving them His attention.

Jesus enjoyed eating which is another act of thanksgiving. Eating with others and breaking bread is a great way to enjoy fellowship and conversation while having a sandwich and cold drink.

There is more.

During my need to heal from my mind and thought battles were those who prayed for me because they knew what my prayer request was. I was blessed to have elderly senior friends who had been where I was and took the time to genuinely listen to me. People who got to know me better invited me for coffee, a sandwich or a pizza in a group setting.

It doesn't mean that we all will be completely healed from all physical, mind and spiritual well being. Some will take years. I've wondered during my experience with the enmity of my mind and thoughts if these could have been early symptoms of schizophrenia? I don't know.

Regardless, the Bible shows us ways we can manage the signs we battle and no doubt God can go beyond with His Great healing. The question is, do we believe He can? Or, do we limit God?

God bless you all.