Is Satan still really running around?


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John talks about that Satan has already been done away with, with-in a 1000 years. It's been a long time.

Is Satan still really running around today?

Revelation 20:10

And the devil who had deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are; and they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

What are your thoughts about it?
If I forget that he’s already been done away with then no, he’s still here trying to ruin my life.
It’s very difficult if we loose sight of Jesus and continue to live our lives without putting him at the centre.
Sometimes I can be sitting in misery wondering what’s wrong before I give it to God. When I can say I’m doing the below on a constant basis then I’m pretty sure he’s been cancelled.27A7BFE8-9AED-4B02-88F0-50068B75F0AC.jpeg
John talks about that Satan has already been done away with, with-in a 1000 years. It's been a long time.

Is Satan still really running around today?

Revelation 20:10

And the devil who had deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are; and they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

What are your thoughts about it?
what does peter say be sober be vigilant. your adversary walks about as a roaring lion. seeking whom he may devour the roar is the create the spirit of fear to paralyze us so to speak. then the devour
John talks about that Satan has already been done away with, with-in a 1000 years. It's been a long time. Is Satan still really running around today?
Revelation 20:10, And the devil who had deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are; and they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
What are your thoughts about it?

Hello GoodNewsSharing;

John wrote Revelation approximately A.D. 95, and at end of 2022 (approximately 1000 years,) the defeat in chapter 20:10 has not happened yet. We must include the whole chapter to understand the context; John still prophesizes the events to come, e.g.,

Verse 7 - 8a, And "when" the thousand years are ended, Satan "will" be released from his prison 8 and "will" come out to deceive the nations

Yet in our faith of this passage it is inevitable Satan will meet his doom. It's over. Jesus wins! But where and what are we doing?

We have work to do and we are to be encouraged throughout the rest of the God's Word to live each day living for Him and having our minds lifted. The more our minds are in Christ will always be a threat to the devil. He will prowl around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour reference 1 Peter 5:8.

And when he gets his licks in, we are empowered by Christ to rebuke the evil one at anytime. James 4:7, 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. - ESV

But we don't have to live our lives ominously. God will bless us the spirit of peace, calm, joy, happiness and laughter with Him and our loved ones. Praise His Wonderful Name!

God bless
you, GoodNewsSharing, and your family.
Some believe so some don’t.

It doesn’t seem quizzical to me.

:) I believe it has been done.

The Bible talks about it being done it’s just we may not fully understand how the Jewish people spoke and wrote.

God bless to you too bobinfaith still waiting to hear about your thoughts on the afterlife.
Some believe so some don’t. It doesn’t seem quizzical to me.
:) I believe it has been done. The Bible talks about it being done it’s just we may not fully understand how the Jewish people spoke and wrote. God bless to you too bobinfaith still waiting to hear about your thoughts on the afterlife.

Hello GoodNewsSharing;

Before we can move on to the next question regarding the afterlife, let's stick with the verb of your thread.

GoodNewsSharing, if what you believe "it has been done," then what about all the events prior to Revelation 20? John reveals some incredible stuff that must take place. How do we reconcile this, and why would this be quizzical to you?

I agree. We choose to believe one way while another believes another but this is good because we are discussing the Bible. What I encourage others and myself is this; continue to study the Word and seek what God is saying. He promises He will make all things known to those who believe, trust and follow Him.

Luke 12:2-3, 2 Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. - ESV

God bless you, GoodNewsSharing.
Some believe so some don’t.

It doesn’t seem quizzical to me.

:) I believe it has been done.

The Bible talks about it being done it’s just we may not fully understand how the Jewish people spoke and wrote.

God bless to you too bobinfaith still waiting to hear about your thoughts on the afterlife.
if i may ask when was it and how was it done? personally seeing all the carnage in our world i fail to see it being done
The revelation is a very quizzical book,

About things coming quickly to a group of specific churches.

It’s the personal perspective of many that see the book in many different ways.

Thus, I believe it pertains to history but it’s against the rules to talk about that.

:) Whatever people believe in the end it is ultimately between them and God.

sorry bobinfaith forgiven61

My premise was it’s been a long time since 1000 years.

revelation 20-21 is johns view of the afterlife bobinfaith.

God speed.
It’s against the rules to talk about a certain subject I believe called pretrism, the forum moderator sent me a link to make sure to read the rules.

forgiven61 it’s really something I believe by faith; I can’t prove the devil has been done away with other than what the Bible verse stated in Revelation 20; it was about a time that would come quickly but if people believe quickly is 2000 years later I suppose the devil is still running around which was my premises to begin with as it has been a long time.

I don’t mind if people believe one way or the other, personally will love anyone who does or doesn’t. That is what is important.
if i may ask when was it and how was it done? personally seeing all the carnage in our world i fail to see it being done

What I encourage others and myself is this; continue to study the Word and seek what God is saying. He promises He will make all things known to those who believe, trust and follow Him.

Luke 12:2-3, 2 Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. - ESV

Hello forgiven;

We've discussed this before and I agree with you. Others won't.

Those who believe the prophecy has already been fulfilled, refer to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Others believe the prophecy is being fulfilled in the current church age. I believe the prophecies will take place in the following future events. Just these three views are broad and can go on and on in endless discussion. Nobody knows when these events or Jesus' 2nd coming will take place.

Christian Forum Site's forum rules - Preterism, or Preterist is basically a noun of interpreters or interpretation of Biblical prophecies. Prophecy is an accountable theology but Preterism is not, just an interpreter or interpretation of prophecy.

During CFS's 16 year history Preterism has sparked heavy arguments between the scope of interpretation of prophecies that caused fierce debate and division amongst the members, unfortunately breaking down the Friendly Christian Forum that led to accounts closing or members banned.

Now, if members choose to pm one another and discuss Preterism, OSAS or topics that are not allowed in the forum are welcome to do so.

At this point I'll leave it at that. Anyone who has a comment regarding the forum rules is welcome to pm the staff or myself if you want to discuss this further. I will take responsibility if my post is flagged by the moderator team.

So what does the believing Christian do in the meantime? Please continue to pray, walk closer with Christ daily, study the Word and seek what God is saying. He promises He will make all things known to those who believe, trust and follow Him.

Luke 12:2-3, 2 Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. - ESV

As far as what does the afterlife mean to me? Afterlife is a broad term, but for the Christian life, for my life, the afterlife is my hope. Chapters 21-22 is the Father’s plan for the redemption of His children. Jesus is returning and I have all the confidence that when I reach my afterlife, when we all reach the afterlife, we who believe in Christ will be with Him for all eternity.

God bless you, Jerry.
Hello forgiven;

We've discussed this before and I agree with you. Others won't.

Those who believe the prophecy has already been fulfilled, refer to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Others believe the prophecy is being fulfilled in the current church age. I believe the prophecies will take place in the following future events. Just these three views are broad and can go on and on in endless discussion. Nobody knows when these events or Jesus' 2nd coming will take place.

Christian Forum Site's forum rules - Preterism, or Preterist is basically a noun of interpreters or interpretation of Biblical prophecies. Prophecy is an accountable theology but Preterism is not, just an interpreter or interpretation of prophecy.

During CFS's 16 year history Preterism has sparked heavy debate between the scope of interpretation of prophecies that caused fierce debate and division amongst the members, unfortunately breaking down the Friendly Christian Forum that led to accounts closing or members banned.
Now, if members choose to pm one another and discuss Preterism, OSAS or topics that are not allowed in the forum are welcome to do so.

At this point I'll leave it at that. Anyone who has a comment regarding the forum rules is welcome to pm the staff or myself if you want to discuss this further. I will take responsibility if my post is flagged by the moderator team.

So what does the believing Christian do in the meantime? Please continue to pray, walk closer with Christ daily, study the Word and seek what God is saying. He promises He will make all things known to those who believe, trust and follow Him.

Luke 12:2-3, 2 Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. - ESV

As far as what does the afterlife mean to me? Afterlife is a broad term, but for the Christian life, for my life, the afterlife is my hope. Chapters 21-22 is the Father’s plan for the redemption of His children. Jesus is returning and I have all the confidence that when I reach my afterlife, when we all reach the afterlife, we who believe in Christ will be with Him for all eternity.

God bless you, Jerry.

Thank you for sharing and great breakdown of how everything is and works.

God speed, and God bless you, Bobinfaith, safe travels

John talks about that Satan has already been done away with, with-in a 1000 years. It's been a long time.

Is Satan still really running around today?

Revelation 20:10

And the devil who had deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are; and they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

What are your thoughts about it?
Revelation of future events is that of the Book of Revelation.

Whereas I believe 1John 5 tells us the whole world is in the power of the evil one.

Curious, since we're on this topic, how do we reconcile that with Jesus affirmation in the our Father prayer?

''... thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven... ''
Hello Damascus,

What are your thoughts about what Jesus had said?

Curious, since we're on this topic, how do we reconcile that with Jesus affirmation in the our Father prayer?

''... thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven... ''

From my understanding of just looking at it from here is the Word of God, who was in flesh, done it’s own will by and through the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; who decided what he would do; in which caused the devil to flee away from him. And he also healed and cast demons out of others. He made the choice to follow and do the will of God; whom was his Father.

Considering this; the same thing happens for us now today for those who look and seek for God in faith, which God will reward you for doing so by seeking him out diligently are able to have access to God by and through the messiah having the Holy Spirit and the spirit of the messiah within the heart of the believer who looks at the Lord and his death, burial, and resurrection will have new life; given the spirit to live by and ask God to help you with, as long as one is not asking for things that aren’t nothing but to spend on pleasures.

Prayer for God and supplications to be helped on overcoming and having a relationship with God personally is encouraged to all and take time to read your Bible if you have some time.

Thank you,
Hello Damascus,

What are your thoughts about what Jesus had said?

Curious, since we're on this topic, how do we reconcile that with Jesus affirmation in the our Father prayer?

''... thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven... ''

From my understanding of just looking at it from here is the Word of God, who was in flesh, done it’s own will by and through the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; who decided what he would do; in which caused the devil to flee away from him. And he also healed and cast demons out of others. He made the choice to follow and do the will of God; whom was his Father.

Considering this; the same thing happens for us now today for those who look and seek for God in faith, which God will reward you for doing so by seeking him out diligently are able to have access to God by and through the messiah having the Holy Spirit and the spirit of the messiah within the heart of the believer who looks at the Lord and his death, burial, and resurrection will have new life; given the spirit to live by and ask God to help you with, as long as one is not asking for things that aren’t nothing but to spend on pleasures.

Prayer for God and supplications to be helped on overcoming and having a relationship with God personally is encouraged to all and take time to read your Bible if you have some time.

Thank you,
I think it was an invocation for Father God's will to overcome the lord of this world in whose power the whole world resides.
We've discussed this before and I agree with you
i wasn't discussing prophecy or any way i did not consider it. i know the rules and yes prophecy can gender strife. i recently got booted from another forum . after a admin gave her theory on end times. .i disagreed she kept going on . yes i told her flat out i didnt care.
Unfortunately, the devil is still running around. Sometimes God speaks in past tense because He lives outside time and if He will do it, it's as good as already done. Like when He told Abraham I have made you a father of many nations before Sarah conceived. But no, the devil is not in hell yet. There's a time set for that because when Jesus cast out that evil spirit, it asked Jesus if He had came to torment them before their time. So that tells you there is a time for it but the time hasn't come yet. Plus, how can anyone look at the evils of this messed up world today and think the devil is NOT still running free?
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