Isaiah 27:6-28:13 and Matt 22:1-23:39

ISAIAH 27:6-28:13

” In the days to come, shall Jacob take root, Israel shall blossom and bud....” We see a fulfilling of this prophecy in that once taken from Egypt, and united and solidified as a “People” a “Nation”, this people/nation has grown and has spread out throughout the world

Though many nations have tried to “snuff out” Am Yisrael, they, in turn (those nations) have suffered punishment and defeat in trying to do just that. Can a mouse “snuff out” an elephant? Israel, upon being scattered throughout the nations, brought the belief in “ONE GOD” when the nations believed in “Multi-gods”

Through the Tribe of Y’hudah, came forth YHVH in the flesh, “Yeshua” who is “Yeshuah” (Salvation) to all those who believe on him who died to set men free from sin.

When we look at chapter 28, the phrase "Tzav la-tazv, kav la kav, z'eir sham" is repeated, (Precept by precept, line by line, a little here, a little there) There is mention of those drunk with wine and liquor, they are confused. "Can no one be taught anything?" the prophet asks, "can no one understand the message?"

The answer is YES, but we need to have a clear mind, not clouded by liquor, drugs, the cares of this world, etc...If we are going to learn Torah (Bible) we need to have good teachers and a clear and open mind to receive. Yet not all at once. One can not learn how to fly a plane in two days. One must have "ground school" first, "learning the controls of the plane" then "virtual flights" and lastly, "actual take-off and land." (Precept by precept, line by line, a little here and a little there).

We must learn the basics in Hebrew and Greek since this is how we can understand the setting of God's Word, that is if we are serious students and want to get the most out of the Bible. There is so much to learn, and there is no stop to learning. Some claim that we will continue to learn in Heaven. Planet earth is our first school, and death will promote us to "Graduate School." But all learning is "little by little" learn, stumble, fall, get up again.

MATT 22:1-23:39

Yeshua tells a parable about the “Kingdom of Heaven” being likened to a “marriage/wedding feast, and the king invites many to come, but they refuse, and even kill the servants, then he sends an army to destroy those who rejected him and killed his servants, and sent others to invite others to come, and many came, and the feast was given. Both good and bad came,

When we look at this in plain light, Yeshua is now preparing a “wedding feast” for those who have accepted his “invitation”. Many accept, even those who walk in evil ways, want to change their lives, so they come to the wedding feast, yet also, many reject. The offer still stands, Yeshua died on the cross to offer mankind “salvation” (Yeshuah) through his blood and full atonement of sins. Yet many still make fun of that and refuse the free gift of salvation, to prefer the ways of the world.

Those who refuse, and die in their sins, will suffer eternal punishment in the Lake of fire, While the offer was made, some refused, while others accepted. What will you do with the free gift of Salvation? Accept or reject?

Ben Avraham