Right now I am starting with study of 1 Samuel. I am planning to continue with it, Kings and Chronicles as well. I think going through the history of Israel is always an amazing study. The nation of Israel characterizes individuals and us so much.. I always felt that.. Choices that Israel made are not far from choices we make today..
I was reading chapter 8 and the turning point of Israel's future. Moving from Judges to Kings.. Below is the verse:
1 Samuel 8:5 - They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.”
This follows an event when Samuel appoints his sons as judges.. Interestingly, Samuel was trying to create history by appointing heirs as judges!! It was never seen in the history of Israel.. We never see heirs ruling Israel as Judges.. Things do not work out well.. The nation is using that as an excuse to ask for a king.. Israel wants a king just like all other nations. When I saw this, I was wondering how often I make this choice in my life. How often I compare myself to others and turn my heart towards that instead of what the Lord has for me..
One of those moments where you feel the strong conviction of Holy Spirit.. And you feel like someone is shouting the verses at you.. The verses continues and Lord says Israelites have rejected Him and not Samuel.. How often we reject Lord by choosing our ways instead of Lord's ways.. My prayer is that Lord will help me to see what He has for me.. Instead of me comparing myself to someone else.. Lord always has greater and mightier plans.. We might compare ourselves to something and settle for that.. Lord does not.. He has something greater for us..
I was reading chapter 8 and the turning point of Israel's future. Moving from Judges to Kings.. Below is the verse:
1 Samuel 8:5 - They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.”
This follows an event when Samuel appoints his sons as judges.. Interestingly, Samuel was trying to create history by appointing heirs as judges!! It was never seen in the history of Israel.. We never see heirs ruling Israel as Judges.. Things do not work out well.. The nation is using that as an excuse to ask for a king.. Israel wants a king just like all other nations. When I saw this, I was wondering how often I make this choice in my life. How often I compare myself to others and turn my heart towards that instead of what the Lord has for me..
One of those moments where you feel the strong conviction of Holy Spirit.. And you feel like someone is shouting the verses at you.. The verses continues and Lord says Israelites have rejected Him and not Samuel.. How often we reject Lord by choosing our ways instead of Lord's ways.. My prayer is that Lord will help me to see what He has for me.. Instead of me comparing myself to someone else.. Lord always has greater and mightier plans.. We might compare ourselves to something and settle for that.. Lord does not.. He has something greater for us..