It’s time

It’s time to go home to Jesus

It’s time to go home to Jesus
To reap my heavenly reward
My names being called
I’ve got to go...
Leave you all behind...

Please don’t pray for healing
Believing I’ll be delivered
back to good health...
Only delaying me leaving
It’s my time...
I’m ready to go...

My mansion has been made ready
Got to leave this frail body behind...
I know that you’ll miss me,
And wished you said
So many things...

I’m going to be dancing
With angels!
Without aches and pains...
Singing with the heavenly choir,
Seeing Jesus face to face!

Don’t be sad,
Remember the good times...
Celebrate my life...
The Children
So may precious memories...
TIL the next tim
It’s time to go home to Jesus

It’s time to go home to Jesus

To reap my heavenly reward

My names being called

I’ve got to go...

Leave you all behind...

Please don’t pray for healing

Believing I’ll be delivered

back to good health...

Only delaying me leaving

It’s my time...

I’m ready to go...

My mansion has been made ready

Got to leave this frail body behind...

I know that you’ll miss me,

And wished you said

So many things...

But I’m going to be dancing

With the angels!

Without aches and pains...

Singing with the heavenly choir,
Seeing Jesus face to face!

Don’t be sad,
Remember the good times...
Celebrate the life we shared...
So may precious memories...
TIL the next time...

TIL we meet in heaven...
See you later…
Have faith,
Let go!

Open them Heavenly Gates

I’m coming home!
Recently in our church we have several saints promoted heaven, talking with someone about their Bereavement they asked, “why didn’t He answer my prayer and heal them?” thinking of this their faithful life I “saw”
Them saying “I’m ready to meet my maker I’m with my father no longer in pain”
The scripture came to mind
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. to live. Philippians 1:20.
This poem was my response