It wasn’t pretty A Good Friday Lament

It wasn’t pretty
A Good Friday Lament

It wasn’t pretty
the cross He was nailed to…
Probably not new, but stained with blood, body fluids,
Pox marked with nail holes
of others crucified,
on the same cross they nailed Him to…

It wasn’t pretty
To be betrayed with a kiss
To be dragged through the streets…
spat on, ridiculed,
stripped of clothing and dignity
Skin beaten off His back
Crown of thorns forced on His head piercing His brow,
Blood sweat, tears flowing mingling down
a bruised , broken body…
It wasn’t pretty

It wasn’t pretty when
Mocked by rulers, kings and
religious leaders,
Who washed Their hands,
Moved Him on knowing He was not guilty,
Appeasing the crowds who were calling for Barabbas
It wasn’t pretty

Abandoned by friends,
Abused by His captors,
Seeing His family watching the suffering
As the sword pierced His side…
It wasn’t pretty

It wasn’t pretty as they called mockingly
“If you’re who you say you are, then show us,
come down from the cross…
The angels will save you,”
It wasn’t pretty,
It wasn’t pretty

And when He cried
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
It wasn’t pretty
Hanging on the cross for six hours waiting for death to come,
Before He gave up His earthly body
It wasn’t pretty

It wasn’t pretty
As the crowds looked on,
The earth trembled
some still mocking,
The thief sought salvation,
The centurion saw,
the ‘Son of God’,
hanging on that cross
It wasn’t pretty

He gave up His body
Cried “It is Finished”,
No dignity
Dragged to a tomb that had been borrowed,
Left to rot with out ceremony
behind a large stone,
Guarded by soldiers,
It wasn’t pretty

But the story’s not over
No rose tinted glasses
No Air brushed photos
No glossing over,
The pain, the suffering
The inglorious death,
What He went through
What He did for your sin,
It wasn’t pretty

But just three days later
He rose from the grave!
The story’s not over
The story’s not finished…
It wasn’t pretty, what He went through,
What happened,
just for you,
What He suffered
for your Salvation
So you wouldn’t have to go through the same pain and suffering,

It wasn’t pretty

it wasn’t pretty
Alan Heeley... I did not see this due to being away for a day and taking care of things that came up over Easter.

I've been waiting for this.... I just signed in and went DIGGING for it. It's above and beyond what I expected.

What a treat to have several poets here within the forums... I have NEVER taken the time to read poetry... and I don't know why because it's so intensely BEAUTIFUL. THANK YOU for posting this and I'm sorry I was NOT here to be your FIRST reader... as is what usually happens.

I hope you had a fantastic Easter... WE are SO BLESSED as believers. The events leading up to and including the crucifixion are so very DIFFICULT to face and absorb. It truly sobers a soul AWAKE.