Hello you and welcome. You will see just a few verses along with an introduction.
James Chapter 1:
We see here that James, who is a servant of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ is writing to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad.
We see here that James is encouraging them to stay in the faith, and count it joy when they fall into divers temptations.
So James is telling believers of the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father to be encouraged when you overcome temptation and rejoice by the grace of God in which you have been saved by God, for we are to count is as joy as our endurance grows.
3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
This letter was likely written before the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) in Ad 49. The main reason to prefer this time is that the Gentile-Jewish controversies that caused the Jerusalem Council are not mentioned in the letter. In addition the letter demonstrates a strong Jewish background, but a with a special familiarity with Jesus' teachings. For example, the letter uses synagogue, (2:2), instead of using church (or houses church as in the book of Acts).
James Chapter 1:
1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
We see here that James, who is a servant of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ is writing to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad.
2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
We see here that James is encouraging them to stay in the faith, and count it joy when they fall into divers temptations.
The Greek word for joy is 5479: Chara - which means to rejoice because of Grace - joy because of grace- gladness.
Diverse temptations here in Greek means : 3986: Peirasmos - a test, calamity
One more word is 3985 : Peirazo - temptation - positive sense a testing of their faith, and a negative sense an endurance to overcome when temptation is presented.
So James is telling believers of the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father to be encouraged when you overcome temptation and rejoice by the grace of God in which you have been saved by God, for we are to count is as joy as our endurance grows.
3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
The Greek word here for trying is 1383: (Dokimion) - a test a trail of what is (genuine) and approvable, by implication, trustworthiness.
The Greek word here for worketh is 5281: (Katergazomai) develops - effect by labor, achieve, workout, bring about work down to the end-point - committing.
The Greek work here for patience (perseverance) is 5291: (Hypomonen) - Endurance, steadfast, patiently waiting for, cheerful, constancy.
So we can see James here is telling the believers in the faith. Knowing that the trying of your (faith in God's promises - 1402 Faith persuasion) stay committed to your trust in God understanding that the trials you go through, you continue to develop endurance, as you are persevering through temptation and being rejoice towards God through grace by your faith in trusting him.