Jeremiah 34:8-22 and Mark 1:1-2:28

JEREMIAH 34:8-22, 33:25-26

Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet” because Israel had returned to idolatry, and corruption, YHVH sends him with a message to Israel, “Repent” and “turn from your sins”, one of the sins was to go back on their word. Jeremiah told them that God had said, “Release your slaves” Since they had not released them after 6 years, they did that, but afterward, they “re-captured” their slaves and returned them to captivity, this is to be “double-minded” for “appearance sake” they released the slaves/servants, but when they thought that “the prophet wasn't looking” they went back on their word. Result? Babylon came and captured Israel! And king Zedekiah was taken to Babylon as a slave.

How well do we as believers respond when someone calls our attention? When we are in the wrong, do we repent and turn from our sins? or.... when we think no one is looking, go back to our sins? Our old attitudes, our old “issues?” A thief looks ahead, in back, to the left, to the right, to ensure that no one is looking, but the thief never looks “up”! Yes, our Heavenly Father who is on high is looking down on us all, and observes ALL our actions, even in private, so, we are NEVER alone! Someone is always watching us.

God, his holy angels, Satan and his demons, all that are in the spirit realm are always watching our every move. So, make sure our lives are holy, unto God on high.

MARK 1:1-2:28

The disciple Mark writes about John the Baptist, and his ministry to prepare the people for the coming of his cousin, Yeshua, preparing hearts, and minds. Baptism was important in Jewish life, it symbolized who was once unclean, is now clean, from “Tamei” to “Tahor”, from "death to life."

When a born-again believer is baptized, the believer identifies himself or herself with Yeshua in death and life, death, burial, and resurrection. But John was just “preparing” the way for He who is THE WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

Yeshua is the WAY to eternal life, He is the TRUTH, which is the opposite of lies and deception, and He is LIFE eternal, to those who embrace Him as Savior and LORD.

Yeshua went walking along the Sea of Galilee, and there he invited Peter and Andrew to come with him, and later, at K’far Nachum (Capernaum) went to the synagogue there and began to teach the people. I thank God that I visited that same synagogue back in 2015 when I went to Israel to serve the IDF with the reserve units. My friend Alon and I went by car to Capernaum, walked around, and visited the part of the lake that served as a dock for the fishing boats, that is probably where Yeshua met Kefa and Andrew.

We are all called by Yeshua through his spirit, to follow him, do we follow Him? we expect HIM to follow US? He teaches us through HIS word, are we listening?


Synagogue at Capernaum
Capernaum Synagogue.jpg
JEREMIAH 34:8-22, 33:25-26
How well do we as believers respond when someone calls our attention? When we are in the wrong, do we repent and turn from our sins? or.... when we think no one is looking, go back to our sins?
Our old attitudes, our old “issues?” A thief looks ahead, in back, to the left, to the right, to ensure that no one is looking, but the thief never looks “up”! Yes, our Heavenly Father who is on high is looking down on us all, and observes ALL our actions, even in private, so, we are NEVER alone! Someone is always watching us. We are all called by Yeshua through his spirit, to follow him, do we follow Him? we expect HIM to follow US? He teaches us through HIS word, are we listening?

Hello Ben;

Is that you in the photo? The synagogue in Capernaum is a great example of God's "foundation and Worship" to Him still standing.

When we repent and turn from our sin cannot be done alone. God sends others as He also sends us to uplift and encourage one another. Therefore, we should always ask for a spirit of attentiveness anytime someone calls our attention, especially when we are in the wrong or by ourself.

1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. - NIV

We don't expect Jesus to follow us but guide us. Following Jesus is our foundation.

God bless you, Ben.

Yes, that's me in the photo, My friend "Alon Tamir" was with me, He is a member of a Messianic musical group in Israel. He took me one day to visit Capernaum. Yes, I need the "Spirit of Attentiveness". I get upset easily, (but I am not physically violent though) just get upset and get defensive. Well, that's the Army in me. Once a soldier always a soldier. Ready for a challenge and a fight.
Well, that avatar was taken abut 15 years ago in back of our rabbi's house. I have changed a little. Grey hair, a few teeth left still. no real money-making job, retired. still walking, and defying my age.
Well, that avatar was taken abut 15 years ago in back of our rabbi's house. I have changed a little. Grey hair, a few teeth left still. no real money-making job, retired. still walking, and defying my age.
Looks like the person in your avatar has white hair, I guess that's what threw me off.

Well, greyish-white, but at least I still have hair. A lot of people in their 70s don't have hair anymore. Remember Elisha, the Prophet, when he was walking one day some rough teens came and made fun of him saying; "Go up ye bald one" saying he was bald and to "go up" like Elijah did, ended up some bears came out of the forest and killed those kids.
Oh Yes, I remember the barber shops back in the early 1960s. I remember the barber's name; "Ross" and there would always be comic books to read while waiting your turn. I wonder how many of those comic books are worth a fortune today. Oh yes, the old days, sometimes, better days.
Well, it seems that way at times. In the late 60s and 70s, the "hippie" days, long hair and beards, I was never into that though.
Well, it seems that way at times. In the late 60s and 70s, the "hippie" days, long hair and beards, I was never into that though.
It was more like crew cuts and flat tops in the '50's, but you're right comic books galore, and how about the mirrors in front and back? A boy's imagination can go wild with those mirrors. lol
Oh Yes, I remember the barber shops back in the early 1960s. I remember the barber's name; "Ross" and there would always be comic books to read while waiting your turn. I wonder how many of those comic books are worth a fortune today. Oh yes, the old days, sometimes, better days.
Well, it seems that way at times. In the late 60s and 70s, the "hippie" days, long hair and beards, I was never into that though.
It was more like crew cuts and flat tops in the '50's, but you're right comic books galore, and how about the mirrors in front and back? A boy's imagination can go wild with those mirrors. lol

Barber shops? Crew cuts, flat tops, long hair and beards? Been there with all those except the beard. When I was 14 my barber asked me, "son, is this the haircut your parents wanted you to get? I looked at them a little nervous and said, (((yes)))

My mom made me go back and get it right and had to pay for the second haircut. lol!

High School Photo 1975

Bob Kearny Class of '75.jpg

Very nice, very nice. Did you know that a mirror, in front of another can symbolize eternity? Yes, you can see your reflection again and again. But where does it end? it doesn't. The light keeps reflecting off the mirrors, your image....forever. Here is my Jr. Hight Year book . Where Am I?
second row, second kid from the right, "peter" This was Mr. Tarbox's class, homeroom, 1967, Do you know who sent it to me? My friend Bennetta, the only black girl on the page. Third from the left. I still write to her!
I'm the second kid, on the second row, going from left to right. Between "Deri" and "Jill" where it says "peter" Do you see the girl "Debbie" no smile on her face, a little female "bully" that was for sure . Nancy is still alive, she wrote me a few years ago.
Did you know that a mirror, in front of another can symbolize eternity? Yes, you can see your reflection again and again. But where does it end? it doesn't. The light keeps reflecting off the mirrors, your image....forever.
That was the notion I had sitting in the barber's chair looking down the long corridor of mirrors