Jesus take the wheel it’s been a long day

The tangent I’ve been on recently has not been good enough to share except…

Jesus take the wheel it’s been a long day

It’s been a long day
Taking on life

You never promised cotton candy clouds,
Crops of gold at the end of the rainbow,
Rivers of milk and honey
streets paved with gold,
(Not here on earth anyway,)
You never said ‘God helps those who help them selves’
You never said it would all be ‘happy clappy’,
You never promised i’ll never be tempted,
Loose my way,
Get distracted by the world,
You never said i’ll have a trouble free sunshine life while here on earth
You never said that,
You never said just work hard, doing good is going to get me into heaven,
Read the bible!
To see what You have in store
What You said is mind blowing!

You said…

“Come unto Me you who are weary”*

Jesus take the wheel it’s been a long, long day…

*Matthew 11:28-30
Good morning, Alan;

Jesus take the wheel it’s been a long day

is a title we all can relate to when we have those moments. My moment is when a new day is met with unexpected circumstances that I wasn't expecting. But "God already knew" is a concept that I'm still learning.

God bless
you, Alan and thank you for the good poem this morning.