Joseph and Mary Find Jesus in the Temple


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Hello brothers and sisters;

I'd like to share a discussion my wife and I had last night while reading from Luke 2:41-52;

41 His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. 42 And when He was twelve years old, they went up there according to the custom of the feast; 43 and as they were returning, after spending the full number of days required, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but His parents were unaware of it. 44 Instead, they thought that He was somewhere in the caravan, and they went a day’s journey; and then they began looking for Him among their relatives and acquaintances. 45 And when they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem, looking for Him. 46 Then, after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. 48 When Joseph and Mary saw Him, they were bewildered; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You treated us this way? Behold, Your father and I have been anxiously looking for You!” 49 And He said to them, “Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?” 50 And yet they on their part did not understand the statement which He had made to them. 51 And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and He continued to be subject to them; and His mother treasured all these things in her heart. - NASB

1. We wondered, why didn't Jesus tell His parents that He would be in the temple? He was 12 years old, so was He in the wrong for not telling His parents?

2. When Joseph and Mary went back and found Jesus in the temple, they were bewildered for the way they were treated. But Jesus did say He had to be in My Father's house. We agree with Him.

3. In our interpretation we feel Joseph and Mary were actually at fault for not watching over their son during the festival, especially when they left assuming Jesus was with them in the mix of family.

4. After Jesus told Joseph and Mary the Truth, Jesus did the right thing. He was sensitive to their concern and became subject (obedient) to them.

There is more context in this passage, but this is what stood out in our understanding and want to know your thoughts.

Please give a thorough answer,

God bless you all!
Hello bobinfaith
It so happens that I am listening to that same chapter this evening.
I have often been amazed that Mary and Joseph 'lost' their son, The Son of God. Why didn't they look for Him before they went a full days journey? Instead they presumed Jesus was with relatives. There must be a reason why God let this happen but I cannot find it. Except perhaps because Jesus wanted so badly to be working for The Father and God wanted us to follow His Son's example of obedience to His parents.

About 50 years ago a Pastor was talking to us about it and we all felt the same astonishment of Jesus being left behind on His own.

It took thrm 3 days to find their son. Can you imagine the anguish they went through and the the thoughts as they feared what could have happened to Jesus ?
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I tend to agree. On the journey back home, one would assume that the parents would have gathered their kids to start back on their way. The passage does not mention any other siblings in the group, so it would appear that they only needed to watch one 12 y/o. There might be a hidden meaning here, but I do not see it.

So, it was one day without noticing He was not there. One day (or part of that day) looking for Him. One day walking back to Jerusalem and three days looking for Him. That is at least five days. Does not look good for the parents.

So I wonder how Jesus coped those days. Did someone look after Him and give Him food? Where did He sleep? We just do not know.
So I wonder how Jesus coped those days. Did someone look after Him and give Him food? Where did He sleep? We just do not know.
I've thought about that. I suspect he ate what people gave him and might have gone to sleep in a synagogue? The only thing I am sure about is that he did not eat at McDonald's or sleep in a Holiday Inn.
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1. We wondered, why didn't Jesus tell His parents that He would be in the temple? He was 12 years old, so was He in the wrong for not telling His parents?
“Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?”
On this one question here is a different perspective.

Jesus could be seeming to infer by his mater-of-fact answer that there had been some previous discussion with His parents and of Him and His Father’s house. Thus His seeming surprise that they would wonder where he was.
On this one question here is a different perspective.

Jesus could be seeming to infer by his mater-of-fact answer that there had been some previous discussion with His parents and of Him and His Father’s house. Thus His seeming surprise that they would wonder where he was.
Ok, I can see that as a possibility. It must have been difficult to be the parents of Jesus. I wis there was more said between His birth, His hanging out at 12, and His ministry.
In my mind Jesus was different in behavior from that what we would expect from a 'normal' kid. What would living a sinless life look like? We know of course he was 100% Spirit led, which may result in some very different behavior, eg driving John the Baptist into the wilderness at a young age. It seems Jesus being 100% Spirit led would look like a very - humanly independent - life style and Joseph and Mary knowing what they did would make the necessary adjustments on their part of raising him.
Thanh you Bob an interesting thought.
Maybe the parents were worried because they may have been having doubts He was in fact God.

Having doubts about this is normal because they were both human and prone to unbelief.

It doesn’t seem very parentish does it… can you imagine what other people would have thought if ethel said..” Mary, you bad parent, go look for your son” And Mary may not have been able to say “Ethel, it’s fine, Chill out, my son is actually God. I’m not looking for Him so you don’t have to worry either”

This is actually a good bible study because it’s tied in with us as parents and how we may respond. Not that our kids are God but I mean more about how we would respond as human parents and prone to emotional reactions like worry and unbelief about where are kids are and what they’re doing…..and having neighbours who also seem to be worrying for us is adding fuel to the fire.
Maybe the parents were worried because they may have been having doubts He was in fact God.

Having doubts about this is normal because they were both human and prone to unbelief.

It doesn’t seem very parentish does it… can you imagine what other people would have thought if ethel said..” Mary, you bad parent, go look for your son” And Mary may not have been able to say “Ethel, it’s fine, Chill out, my son is actually God. I’m not looking for Him so you don’t have to worry either”

This is actually a good bible study because it’s tied in with us as parents and how we may respond. Not that our kids are God but I mean more about how we would respond as human parents and prone to emotional reactions like worry and unbelief about where are kids are and what they’re doing…..and having neighbours who also seem to be worrying for us is adding fuel to the fire.
This whole thread reminds me of comic/singer Mark Lowry, also the guy who wrote the song "Mary Did You Know". He does a whole comic bit about Mary and Jesus and His early life. In one part he says "My momma knew I wasn't virgin born, but Mary knew Jesus was."
There are many parts of the Bible that frustrates me, because it is either unclear or beyond my ability to comprehend what is being said. I read an interesting commentary regarding the fall of man. God told Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge, before He created Eve. Eve was told this by Adam. So, it would appear that it was Adam who disobeyed God and Eve disobeyed Adam. This is why Adam takes the hit for the downfall. Still trying to get a handle on that one.
Maybe the parents were worried because they may have been having doubts He was in fact God. Having doubts about this is normal because they were both human and prone to unbelief. It doesn’t seem very parentish does it… can you imagine what other people would have thought if ethel said..” Mary, you bad parent, go look for your son” And Mary may not have been able to say “Ethel, it’s fine, Chill out, my son is actually God. I’m not looking for Him so you don’t have to worry either” This is actually a good bible study because it’s tied in with us as parents and how we may respond. Not that our kids are God but I mean more about how we would respond as human parents and prone to emotional reactions like worry and unbelief about where are kids are and what they’re doing…..and having neighbours who also seem to be worrying for us is adding fuel to the fire.
There are many parts of the Bible that frustrates me, because it is either unclear or beyond my ability to comprehend what is being said. I read an interesting commentary regarding the fall of man. God told Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge, before He created Eve. Eve was told this by Adam. So, it would appear that it was Adam who disobeyed God and Eve disobeyed Adam. This is why Adam takes the hit for the downfall. Still trying to get a handle on that one.

Hello Via and Ray;

I don't feel Joseph and Mary were neglecting Jesus because they felt bad enough losing Jesus. There was alot of people at the passover festival besides Joseph's large family, so I could understand the parents overlooking where the Messiah was.

Via shared, it is always a good lesson for parents to learn, to be very watchful where our children are, especially in those times as well as today.

Ray, it's humbling to know many Bible students get stuck in certain books. I'm still trying to understand why God's Wrath was pretty harsh to some of His servants for the consequences of their actions. I feel some of His servants made mistakes but in Truth was meant for good.
it's humbling to know many Bible students get stuck in certain books. I'm still trying to understand why God's Wrath was pretty harsh to some of His servants for the consequences of their actions. I feel some of His servants made mistakes but in Truth was meant for good.
how about making a post on this. as per Jesus mom dad leaving him behind at the festivals. good question .. i wonder if it was meant to be that way. after all He was about his fathers business . yes they got excited after realizing He was not with them. any parents would have . all thoughts of him Being the Christ Child was son forgot . that is just my 2 cents
Well at 12 years old many boys are independant and can begin to look after themselves ... it's not like he was three.

It's easy to lose someone in a crowd or think they are with family they'll be ok. Perhaps Jesus was already quite independent by then...! By caravan meaning he was on the ride home (possibly by camel?).
This is like the boss saying 'why didn't you tell me' or 'why didn't you ask permission?' when you are just going about doing your job! It's not like you always have to be at the bosses side or in their sight to do your job.

Right? The boss drives themselves crazy not knowing what their workers are up to, or where exactly they are when they were just working all along. Things crop up..

What happened was Jesus found the doctors (KJV) or teachers and naturally wanted to talk with them. He didn't think he needed to ask permission to do that. Cos he was already by then a teacher....! I mean at 12 years old you are practically a young adult by then and should be