I am curious what the difference is biblically.
I’m pretty bad at judging I do it a lot without realising. Then I wonder how to stop it.
It’s not easy. I form strong beliefs And they stick like glue. It’s almost like now I’ve confessed my sin it would be easy for Grace to enter the picture. But it hasn’t. Should I just pray He takes judging away?
And What is discernment?
how does it differ from judgement.
Congratulations on your new position!!!!
Do not worry about JUDGING! We all do that and in fact Jesus actually tells us to.
We make judgments on what restaurants we like.
We make judgments on movies and TV shows.
We see a man standing at the corner asking for money and we make judgments.
We hear a sermon from a preacher and judge whether it was good or bad.
Matthew 7:6 is probably the most misquoted Scripture in ALL of the Bible.
When Jesus gave the command that we not judge others does not mean we cannot show discernment. Immediately after Jesus says, in Matthew 7:6...…..
“Do not judge,”
He says in the same verse...... “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs"..
A little later in the same sermon, He says in 7:15-16...….
“Watch out for false prophets. . . . By their fruit you will recognize them”.
Now the point is this.......
..How are we to discern who are the “dogs” and “pigs” and “false prophets" unless we have the ability to make a judgment call on doctrines and deeds? Clearly, Jesus is giving us permission to tell right from wrong.
Also, the Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean all actions are equally moral or that truth is relative. The Bible clearly teaches that truth is objective, eternal, and inseparable from God’s character. Anything that contradicts the truth is a lie—but, of course, to call something a “lie” is to pass judgment. To call adultery or murder a sin is likewise to pass judgment—
but it’s also to agree with God.
When Jesus said not to judge others, He did not mean that no one can identify sin for what it is, based on God’s definition of
In the end the Bible says that we as Christians will judge angels.