Judgement v discernment

I am curious what the difference is biblically.
I’m pretty bad at judging I do it a lot without realising. Then I wonder how to stop it.
It’s not easy. I form strong beliefs And they stick like glue. It’s almost like now I’ve confessed my sin it would be easy for Grace to enter the picture. But it hasn’t. Should I just pray He takes judging away?
And What is discernment?
how does it differ from judgement.

oohhh... you come up with such awesome topics/questions! Last year, I asked myself the same question... then started studying & reading alot!
It was really interesting. I'm looking forward to the replies you get about it. Even though I did study on it, I really don't think I'd be able to answer/explain an answer...lol At least not without alot of words!
Well I will give it a shot at answering...with judging when someone is in the wrong or causes offence it's either you let the person go, by forgiving or there is some kind of punishment or consequence if they don't repent. Thats what being a judge is..deciding on the sentence for someone else. There's a whole book in the Bible called JUDGES and people were actually appointed to be judges. Before they had kings.

Discernment is more, you can know what is right or wrong and choose what is right to do.
Thanks lanolin I’ll read judges for sure.( never read that book before)

I’m stuck with trying to remove the beam from my eye. It ain’t easy.
I realise being judgemental is a form of pride and It was the first sin in the garden.

As for accepting my judgemental attitude...I Have ! It does feel better but doesn’t change anything.
But I’m not sure Wether Jesus preached acceptance. We accepted the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and look where that landed us!

He is the Light Of the world.. so I’m praying God removes it... by bringing it more to light. That way I might gain better eyesight and be able to remove the speck from my brothers eye!


In the meantime If anyone has any more light to shed it would be appreciative
oohhh... you come up with such awesome topics/questions! Last year, I asked myself the same question... then started studying & reading alot!
It was really interesting. I'm looking forward to the replies you get about it. Even though I did study on it, I really don't think I'd be able to answer/explain an answer...lol At least not without alot of words!

Maybe just chime in where you can with your experiences.
The whole topic of judgement is really important for me as i do it a lot without realising. ( well I realise later When I have an emotion lol)
Well I don't think of acceptance as more of either having mercy (cos they didn't really know what they were doing wrong) or actually forgiving the person who's owned up to doing wrong.

Some things you can't really accept cos you know they are wrong, that's just turning a blind eye methinks. It will hurt you in the long run cos you just didn't do anything to stop it, or tell God your concern so He can do something.

But its not really your job to go round judging everyone and everything, unless its actually your job to do so. For example, unless I am appointed the Fashion Police, it's not my job to go round judging people on what they wear.
Well I’ve just found out about righteous judgement And that saints judge.

John 7:24 English Standard Version (ESV)

24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

I think it means being objective. Not being biased or swayed by emotions.
For me personally.... when emotions come into play, it's a warning for me. It seems that decisions, conclusions, thoughts, etc. that come from a place emotional response signals judgement - being critical... whereas "discernment" is more from a place of understanding, prayer, observation, knowledge, research, etc...
Some say the difference depends on the motive of the heart..
For me personally.... when emotions come into play, it's a warning for me. It seems that decisions, conclusions, thoughts, etc. that come from a place emotional response signals judgement - being critical... whereas "discernment" is more from a place of understanding, prayer, observation, knowledge, research, etc...
Some say the difference depends on the motive of the heart..

Yes that’s interesting.
Our intentions when judging shouldn't be from a place of pride, comparing etc.

And we should judge the sin and not the sinner.
Can you give an example of judging or discerning from your experience Via dolorossa, cos I'm trying to understand what it is you may be judging or trying to discern....

I judge in my job, although they say don't judge a book by it cover...I admit sometimes I do and think thats an awful cover but a really good book, what a shame, so what I do is cover them with clear plastic so they don't get wrecked so much. Hardcovers of course last a lot longer than soft covers. It's just that hardcovers can be more expensive than soft covers.
I was judging life itself. Not a person.

That it was boring and totally unsatisfactory.

No matter what, I never seemed to be satisfied in life for long.
I tried Gods Word more times than I could remember..
I got tempted through out so I realised I must have had unconfessed sin.

I needed to see clearly what was stopping Gods Word from working.
Then I realised it wasn’t Gods Word, it was my judgement about life which was very deeply engrained. I judged it as ALWAYS being unsatisfactory and so my judgement Was final.

But it’s all cleared by looking at it more clearly.

Hope that helps
Also, looking at this verse, I didn’t just believe it I even cherished it...

Psalm 66:18 English Standard Version (ESV)

18 If I had cherished iniquity in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened.
I am curious what the difference is biblically.
I’m pretty bad at judging I do it a lot without realising. Then I wonder how to stop it.
It’s not easy. I form strong beliefs And they stick like glue. It’s almost like now I’ve confessed my sin it would be easy for Grace to enter the picture. But it hasn’t. Should I just pray He takes judging away?
And What is discernment?
how does it differ from judgement.


Congratulations on your new position!!!!

Do not worry about JUDGING! We all do that and in fact Jesus actually tells us to.

We make judgments on what restaurants we like.
We make judgments on movies and TV shows.
We see a man standing at the corner asking for money and we make judgments.
We hear a sermon from a preacher and judge whether it was good or bad.

Matthew 7:6 is probably the most misquoted Scripture in ALL of the Bible.

When Jesus gave the command that we not judge others does not mean we cannot show discernment. Immediately after Jesus says, in Matthew 7:6...…..
“Do not judge,”

He says in the same verse...... “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs"..

A little later in the same sermon, He says in 7:15-16...….
“Watch out for false prophets. . . . By their fruit you will recognize them”.

Now the point is this.........How are we to discern who are the “dogs” and “pigs” and “false prophets" unless we have the ability to make a judgment call on doctrines and deeds? Clearly, Jesus is giving us permission to tell right from wrong.

Also, the Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean all actions are equally moral or that truth is relative. The Bible clearly teaches that truth is objective, eternal, and inseparable from God’s character. Anything that contradicts the truth is a lie—but, of course, to call something a “lie” is to pass judgment. To call adultery or murder a sin is likewise to pass judgment—but it’s also to agree with God.

When Jesus said not to judge others, He did not mean that no one can identify sin for what it is, based on God’s definition of sin.

In the end the Bible says that we as Christians will judge angels.
I was judging life itself. Not a person.

That it was boring and totally unsatisfactory.

No matter what, I never seemed to be satisfied in life for long.
I tried Gods Word more times than I could remember..
I got tempted through out so I realised I must have had unconfessed sin.

I needed to see clearly what was stopping Gods Word from working.
Then I realised it wasn’t Gods Word, it was my judgement about life which was very deeply engrained. I judged it as ALWAYS being unsatisfactory and so my judgement Was final.

But it’s all cleared by looking at it more clearly.

Hope that helps
oh ok..you mean your own life or life in general?
I just make my own fun and if something doesn't satisfy me I go on to something else. Sometimes things are boring but thats just because I haven't found a way to make things interesting. I think thanking God is a good thing to get into.

I once was accused of not being satsified but it wasn't that it was just because I was spiritually hungry. What I need to do was not keep hauling water from the well all the time by my own efforts but go to the source..the fountain of eternal life. I think when you find that source you are grateful because you don't have to keep hauling water in buckets all the time. But some people actually continue to haul buckets of water despite having the fountain right there.
Yes that’s interesting.
Our intentions when judging shouldn't be from a place of pride, comparing etc.

And we should judge the sin and not the sinner.


Jesus gives a direct command to judge in John 7:24...……..
“Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly”.

Here we have a clue as to the right type of judgment versus the wrong type.
I am curious what the difference is biblically.
I’m pretty bad at judging I do it a lot without realising. Then I wonder how to stop it.
It’s not easy. I form strong beliefs And they stick like glue. It’s almost like now I’ve confessed my sin it would be easy for Grace to enter the picture. But it hasn’t. Should I just pray He takes judging away?
And What is discernment?
how does it differ from judgement.

Its a good question. discernment, is alertness. Judgement is superficially showing contempt because of what the person does. Discernment is who somebody is, judgement is what someone does. These are naturals, but there are exceptions, that are so minor, that i would not even end to talk about them. They are that rare.